Last minute Halloween costumes for the procrastinator in you!
Let's face it, if you haven't planned your Halloween costume by now, you're either staying in with Netflix tomorrow night or it's going to be an epic, off-the-cuff outfit put together in an hour.
Assuming it's the latter, we are here to help!
We've already covered pop culture costumes, couples costumes and celebs who went all out, but now we have a few epic ideas for those of you who are looking forward to a great night out but really have no will whatsoever to put the time and effort in.
Here we go…
1. Costume Not Found
Possibly THE simplest costume in the world, and it's unisex too. Plus, people will think you're a tech whizz when really your only computer skills involve stalking celebs on Instagram.
2. An emoji
So many expressive options! The masks below are available online, but with a pack of markers and some card you could just go all Art Attack and make your own. We vote for the poo emoji. It speaks volumes.
3. A retro housewife
All you need for this is some cat-eye glasses, anything with cherry print and a cute apron. Hello, Betty Draper.
4. A child of the Noughties
Take Julia Stiles as your inspiration and you'll have this costume ready in no time. Baggy pants, a crop top or anything with beading, and of course the essential two strands of hair hanging down from your ponytail. Girl power!
5. Zombify last year's costume
Zombie Red Riding Hood, Zombie Pirate, Zombie Minnie Mouse… the choices are endless.
6. A ceiling fan
Punny AND cute. Some pom poms, a skirt, a t-shirt and a permanent market are the only tools required for this. Now go and party!
7. A nerd
Bonus points if you already have the glasses! Be sure to push them up the bridge of your nose all night for extra poindexter-ness.
8. Fifty Shades of Grey
A cheeky trip to Woodies after work and you'll be all set. Even Jamie Dornan would be jealous!
9. FaceBook
As modelled by John Krasinski… we're guessing Emily Blunt wasn't attracted to him for his costume-making skills!
10. A party animal
A tiger, a zebra, a cat… if anyone asks what you are just start dancing and making animal noises. They'll get the picture.