Having dreams about your ex? Here’s exactly what it means
Ever wake up after dreaming about your ex and feel like you’re trapped in a confused daze? Us too.
Dreams that feature a former lover are actually quite common but why do we have them?
Well, there’s actually a scientific reason why you’re thinking about your ex when you’re snoozing away.
And don’t worry, it isn’t because you miss them.
55 percent of women dream about their ex in an intimate and sexual way so you’re not alone. It’s actually one of the most popular dreams women have.
Dr. Latisha Rowe spoke to HelloGiggles about why we dream about having sex with an ex and it’s pretty interesting.
She explained, “If you had a tumultuous relationship or you had an extremely passionate yet not necessarily fulfilling sexual experience with an ex, your subconscious and unconscious might try to right that wrong.”
“On some level, these dreams are revisionist and give you imagery of what you may have truly desired but didn't get from the relationship,” she added.
Your mind can’t even help but ponder about the potential future (and sex) you could have had if your relationship didn’t end.
So, don’t worry about your current relationship or think about reaching out to your ex. These dreams are super common and completely normal.