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The Fear is one of those things we all dread, but we can never quite bring ourselves to make the ultimate sacrifice to not have to deal with it. 

When one is afflicted with The Fear, it’s important to make yourself as comfortable as possible. Lucozade and hot chicken rolls will help the cause.

Unfortunately, it’s not always possible and there are things that make The Fear SO much worse, like these:

Social media
Look, you might think it will help, but untagging those photos can wait until tomorrow. Switch settings so you can review photos before they appear on your page, take a deep breath and relax!

Last night’s clothes
They're sitting a pile beside your bed, so you decide to be proactive and put on a wash. The smell of stale smoke and spilled Sambuca brings you instantly back to the club and you begin to feel nauseous.

Talking to people
“You were so funny last night” – wait, what? Funny like how? Oh no…

Not talking to people
No one has contacted you all day – what the hell did you do last night!

Watching anything scary
An American Horror Story marathon may sound like a good idea, in reality you will spend the day jumping every time you hear the tiniest sound. Not cool. Stick with the rom-coms.

Trying to be healthy
Who are you trying to kid with that 'supersalad' and green goddess juice? They can wait until tomorrow, for now PIZZA. 



Beer lovers rejoice, there is no need to feel guilty if you have the occasional pint anymore – there are apparent benefits to sipping on the good stuff every now and then.

New research has shown that drinking the occasional pint can actually protect against Alzheimer’s disease, aid weight loss and reduce heart disease.

Dr Stephen Domenig, medical director of The Original F.X Mayr Health Centre in Austria told the MailOnline that beer contains many “super-nutrients” including “all of the essential – and many of the non-essential – amino acids.”

However, if it’s health benefits you are after when enjoying a quiet pint, you need to stick to the dark stuff like Guinness as they have the most antioxidants compared to lighter beers – not sure if we’ll be able to give up our Coors Light in favour of a pint of Guinness, though.

However, regular drinking can counteract these benefits so remember to drink responsibly.



There is something about having a drink while overlooking incredible views! Here are four rooftop bars that you need to make a reservation at:

Lantern, Singapore


This stylish bar is located at the top of the Fullerton Bay Hotel in Singapore. There is a pool and panoramic views of the marina that will literally take your breath away!

Sky View Bar, Abu Dhabi  


At a modest 200 metres above sea level, the Sky View Bar in Abu Dhabi has a cocktail menu that uses unusual ingredients so you will want to try them all!

Jade on 36 Bar, East Shanghai


Located on level 36, this bar doesn’t just have pretty incredible views, it also serves budget-friendly drinks and hosts theme nights like Sex and the City Thursdays – now, this is our kind of bar!

Champagne and Oyster Bar, Positano, Italy


If romance is what you’re after then this is the bar for you. With incredible views overlooking Positano, music and candlelight you won’t want to leave.



Lea Michele has admitted that she was introduced to alcohol at a very young age, and by young, we mean a toddler…

Talking on the Chelsea Lately show, Lea blamed her Italian heritage for starting drinking so young.

“I’m Italian, so at the dinner table it would be like Pellegrino, a jug of soda and a huge thing of wine. Everyone was just drinking wine, like it was part of what you would have along with your dinner.”

Considering the legal age for drinking in America is 21, the Glee star admitted that her early introduction to alcohol didn’t go down well with a lot of other people: “Growing up, I’d be having dinner with my boyfriend and his parents and I’d be like, ‘Where’s the wine? Pass the wine.’ At like 17! And they’re like, ‘This girl’s crazy.'”

However, the girlfriend of the late Cory Monteith, does see the positive side of her early introduction to the strong stuff, believing it helped her to not go crazy when she got older: “It’s when they’re like, ‘You can’t have this,’ kids are like, ‘We gotta get that booze.”

The Glee star was promoting her book Brunette Ambition which claims you don’t need to have to give up drinking to be healthy – we’re loving this girl’s honesty!


Seriously, what is it about alcohol that makes us crave a Big Mac or giant bowl of salty chips as soon as we have taken a sip! It does nothing for our healthy eating – excluding the drink of course!

Here are three ways to make you stop craving those extra calories:

Have a good meal before you go out
We’re talking a proper, hearty dinner, potatoes and all. Not only will it soak up the alcohol, it will also fill you up enough to not crave that chipper after.

Drink plenty of water
We definitely promote sensible drinking here at HQ! Not only will water help you to keep your senses, it also helps to prevent dehydration caused by the alcohol which causes you to think you’re hungry.

Leave early
Simply drinking less than you normally would will help keep those cravings away. And leaving early is not nerdy… we promise!



1. Tell people you love them

Whether you think someones really hot, or the person who just said something tooootalllyyy hilarious, or the person you just met in the queue. ‘Oh my God, seriously, I actually love you though, like, seriously!’

2. Break out the 90′s music video dance moves

I’m talking Elton John’s epic cheesy tune ‘I’m Still Standing‘ kinda dancing, and shamelessly, then your mate spots you from across the beer pong table, and suddenly it escalates into a serious dance off.

3. Can’t even

What can’t you even? It doesn’t matter, because you can’t… even.

4. Flirt outrageously with your best friend

She is HOT.

5. PDA

Couples are the worst for this, we get it, you’re in love. Take it home please.

6. Karaoke

Despite not having a note in your head, you’re the next Whitney, and nothing is gonna stand in the way of you becoming a superstar.

7. Emotions


Happy to sad to angry to really sad to laughing to really sad again. So many feels.

8. Makeup

You knew it was a bad idea to bring the bronzer. Now it’s being passed around the twenty girls standing in front of the mirror. Ewwww.

9. Bad outfit choices

That snapback does not go with your dress, and no you do not look better in a onesie.

10. Nap

That slump you hit after the first 6 or 7 drinks, then the row that follows when you sneak of for a lie down and your friend finds you having a shhneeeaky kip.

11. Spend the night in the toilet

‘I’m just goin’ for a quick wee!’ Only to emerge ages later when the lights are on and the music has stopped.

12. Drag up the past

Forgiven, never forgotten. Especially after two tequilas.

13. Snapchat/Facebook/Twitter



14. Spend all of the money

Who wants a shooooot? It’s on meeee!

15. Make plans

Arranging to meet people who you have no intention of meeting, or arranging dates with people you have no interest in.

16. Hanky Panky

Shifting people you shouldn’t be shifting, the odd one night stand… Blame the beer goggles.

17. Steal

MINE gif

Traffic cones, shopping trolleys, potted plants, beer mats, some ornaments from the neighbours garden and even dogs. Put it back, ya hooligan!

18. Deny that you’re drunk

I’m fiiiiiine

19. Lose everything

House keys, purse, phone, ID, dignity, we’ve all been there.

20. Underestimate

We’ll all walk to that club, sure ‘it’s only 2 minutes away!’, but sober you knows that it’s a good 15 minute trek, and you’re wearing ridiculous shoes, best make that 20 minutes then.

21. Smoke

You don’t smoke, you never have, and you probably never will. You’re coughing uncontrollably, you look silly and your mouth is going to taste like ass in the morning.

22. Talk to yourself

Everyone is guilty of this one. Whether you’re complimenting yourself or just standing at the mirror saying ‘I am soooooo drunk’ to your reflection and pulling faces, it’s pretty hilarious to be fair.

Via our content partner CT


Alcohol is a common player in parties and nights out; but what do you really know about drinking? Here are five common myths that may make you think twice, before having a drink:

1. You can drive an hour after drinking
Eh, no! It can actually take up to two hours for our bodies to process alcohol. Depending on your weight and how much was in the bottle of beer you just drank.

2. Getting drunker on vodka
This one is true. Hard alcohol gets you drunk and dark liquors like whiskey and rum can make you feel a hell of a lot worse he next day.

3. A nightcap brings on sleep
Actually, while it may bring on sleep, it can leave you feeling like you haven’t had enough shut eye. The alcohol causes your REM sleep to be disturbed meaning your rest is more disturbed rest than it would without the alcohol.

4. Mixing drinks makes you sick
While mixing drinks can leave you a little worse for wear the next day, it’s probably down to the amount consumed, not what was consumed.

5. You’ve a high alcohol tolerance
Everyone processes alcohol differently: for some it means it takes more alcohol to feel drunk rather than be drunk. A supposed ‘high tolerance’ can leave you unaware that you’ve had one drink too many.




Not everyone that you go on a night out with will add something positive to the party and more often than not there are those that will infuriate you and ruin the night. Here are 14 of the worst offenders on a night out:

The Fake Person
Nothing about them screams I’m honest and everything screams the opposite. Whether it’s hair extensions, fake nails or just a stinker of an attitude we all know one. The only saving grace is that you can see them coming a mile away so act accordingly.



The Passive Aggressive Person
They stand there all night belittling everyone left, right and centre of them and ruining the night for everyone else.


The Bitchy Person
Back handed remarks about your clothes is something that will give them deep satisfaction, they will probably talk about your mates behind their backs to you, and do the same to you behind your back…


The Leech
Will be rustling in their pockets at the door of the club…”oh shit, I forgot my wallet/money/pride”…and because you’re a sound friend you sponsor them for the night. But it is never spoken of again by them, until the next night….


The Non Dancer
The person who refuses to bust a move….but will (in fairness) do a little jig towards the end of the night when that one song they know blares through the house system.


The Always Dancing Person
The person who refuses to do anything but bust a move.


The Fighter
That one person you know who has a point that once they reach will basically claim anyone who is in their way. An embarrassment to be around.


The Lover
They may never show any emotion during the normal day to day relationship you have with them but the second that precious alcohol juice trickles down their throat they are all over you, showering you with compliments as if the literally could not live without you



The Disappearing Friend
You both came into the club together but you haven’t seen them since…wait, they were with you…right? Right?!


The Person Who Won’t Go Home
Post-club, you end up at a session and you and your mates have enough respect to stay for a few drinks and call it a night…HOWEVER. There’s that one mate who will stay, mix with all the people he doesn’t know and not leave until Tuesday week.


The Complainer
Just nag nag nag all night. Doorman was ignorant, heels not big enough, not enough guys looking at her, ice too cold….SHADDUP…


The Sex Crazed One
They have been talking about nothing else since you all decided you were heading out tonight.


The Puker
Too much alcohol spoils the broth…and you may be they one holding their hair back as they vomit the content of both their stomach and dignity into the unsuspecting toilet bowl…


Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Drunk
Before the night is over, the changeable one in your group will switch between numerous personalities and do some of the following  a) smash their phone b) smash your phone c) cry d) cry some more. Next morning, they’ll make you breakfast and flat out not be able to remember what happened the night before.


via our content partners CT



“I’m never drinking again” – often heard but never followed through on. Yes, we always enjoy ourselves on nights out but much of the time, we make idiots of ourselves along the way. Let’s have a look at some of the biggest drunken mistakes we make.

1. Mixing different kinds of alcohol
It’s never a good idea.


2. Not eating before you start drinking
Halves your ‘getting drunk’ time, increases your bile vomiting chances.


3. Eating AFTER drinking
We all do it – the seven thousand calorie takeaway that we use as a pillow when we fall asleep. It’s never a good idea.


4. Texting
Yes, at the time it feel so good to get that rant off your drunken chest or text your ex to tell them you still love them four years after you’ve broken up. But it is definitely a bad idea, so make sure you tell your Mr. Hyde that next time the two of you cross paths.


5. Crying
Yes, we get it, she has the same dress as you. Now zip it, Drunky.


6. Fighting
It’s never a popular decision on any night out. Nights out are for enjoyment, not some drunk trying to gouge your eyeballs out because you looked at them in a weird way. Yes I use my eyes to look. Yes, I might have looked around the place. Yes, they might have caught your eyes because you were looking too. No, it doesn’t mean I want to fight you. Who are you? The International Eye Police?


7. Becoming friends with someone you actually hate
The next morning: “I hate myself.”


8. Sleeping with a stranger
Not a mistake for everyone but can make some people feel really bad about themselves.


9. That one you can’t remember – The Fear for the week over it
You wake up and you just know you’ve done something wrong but can’t quite put your finger on it – neither can anyone else and you’re left baffled for years. Until that one weekend three years later someone meets you and says “No way! Remember that night you…?” Oh dear.


10. Drinking ALL the drink
Not pacing yourself and drinking every single drop in sight. The repercussions are inevitable….


via our content partners CT


We’ve all been there before, waking up with a hangover from hell and claiming that we will never drink again, only to be in the same boat the week after. And it looks like we’re not about to change.

According to recent research, hangovers neither deter you from drinking nor encourage you to drink more. In fact, the hair of the dog is not as popular as it may seem.

The research analysed the drinking habits of 386 young people who each had to complete a three week drink diary. This resulted in 2,276 drinking episodes and 463 hangovers.

Thomas Piasecki, lead author of the study said: “Drinkers do not seem to be bothered that much by the temporary discomfort of a hangover, since it does not get them to delay their drinking in any meaningful way, and since other studies show that young drinkers often perceive hangovers to be neutral or positive experiences.”

He went on to add: “Experiencing frequent hangovers is a warning sign that should probably prompt you to reflect upon your drinking”.
