5 ways to exercise more (without even knowing you’re doing it)
Let's face it, most of us would benefit from a little extra time outdoors, but busy schedules and work commitments don't make it easy.
According to the Mayo Clinic, healthy adults should should aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day and while it can be hard to set aside half an hour of your time, there are little ways you can increase your activity throughout the day – and you won't even know you're doing it.
1. Stop meeting for lunch
For many of us, lunch dates are our go-to way to catch up with friends with haven't seen in a while.
We're not saying you should completely cut it out of you routine, I mean who doesn't love a good moan while enjoying a flat white and tuna melt?
But the next time your mate asks you to meet up, why not suggest something outdoorsy and active like going for a hike, walking your dogs or you could even try your hand at rollerblading? (can you imagine the lols?)
2. Cycle to work
OK, so not everyone will be in a position to do this one, but if you do live close enough to your place of work, why not give it a try?
You'll save money, gain fitness and probably shed a few pound while you're at it.
Bikes can be pretty costly investments, but have a look around online – you'll be surprised at what you can get second hand.
3. Park farther away
If driving is a must for your daily commute, make a conscious decision to park farther away.
The extra few steps may not seem like much, but they all add up.
4. Get out of the office
Even if it's end of the month or a 'sad desk lunch' kind of day, make the effort to step away from your station for a while.
You don't need us to tell you just how bad sitting at a desk all day can be for your health, and getting out into the fresh air, even just for a few moments, can be hugely beneficial for both your mind and body.
5. Laugh more
Studies have shown that laughing for just a few minutes per day can burn up to an extra 40 calories – that's about 12 grapes for reference.
So, binge-watching that hilarious Netflix series may not be so bad for you after all.