You WON’T believe how much €€€ an Ed Sheeran PIG statue sold for
Oh, Ed Sheeran… or should we say Ed Sheer-HAM.
Yep, that's right. There's a giant pig portraying the singer in ceramic form in Suffolk in the UK and it has just sold for a very large sum of moola.
It was originally part of an art project which saw 38 other sculptures portray big stars in pig form. It included Piggy Stardust, which went for €3000 and Elvis Porksley which sold for €3230.
It all seems a bit cray-cray but the art project was actually for a charity – the St Elizabeth Hospice – which cares for people with progressive illnesses and the pigs that were sold raised at total of €176,200.
However, Ed Sheer-ham went up for auction again this week and it is reported that the ceramic structure sold for €7200.
Not bad for a piece of pork, hey? God knows what they'll do with it though…
Images: Suffolk County Council