For anyone who likes to stay in bed as long as they can in the morning, then this is definitely for you. 

According to research from Oxford University, your body apparently doesn't function before 10am and it's biologically unnatural to wake up before then.

Speaking to The National Post, Dr Paul Kelley, who conducted the research, said that getting up earlier than 10am also creates illness, stress and exhaustion in employees.

"Before the age of 55, the circadian rhythms of adults are completely out of sync with normal nine-to-five working hours, posing a serious threat to performance, mood and mental health."

Dr Kelley also added that forcing staff to work before 10am is the equivalent to some forms of torture (we suppose, when our 7am alarm goes off it really does feel like torture). 

"Staff are usually sleep deprived. We've got a sleep deprived society. It is hugely damaging on the body's system because you are affecting physical, emotional and performance systems in the body."

"Your liver and your heart have different patterns and you’re asking them to shift two or three hours. Everybody is suffering and they don’t have to.”

Dr Kelley suggested if we look at the connections between the human body, Earth, and the light from the sun's natural rhythms, it isn't really possible to change it's 24-hour cycle. 

Later starting times should effect every part of society, especially hospitals and prisons. In these cases, people are usually woken up and given food they do not want because it's too early.

He also believes that work and school times need to change, which would mean having to finish later than usual.