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As if we needed another reason to fight for women's rights, it recently emerged that our environment could be suffering as a result of our inequalities. 

In a special issue of the prestigious journal Science, academics warned how our spiralling population, and need to grow large amounts of food, is contributing to the loss of species and habitats around the world.

It is estimated that the global population will hit 11 million by the end of the century, thus increasing our necessary food production by a massive 30 per cent.

So, how does this relate to women’s rights?

Well, in one of the papers featured in the journal, Professor Eileen Crist, of Virginia Tech, and his colleagues, argue that little action has been taken to control the rate at which the human population is growing and this is largely due to the lack resources available to women. 

“Wherever women are empowered educationally, culturally, economically, politically, and legally, fertility rates fall.”

“Populations tend to move toward states of zero or negative growth when women achieve equal standing with men, as long as family planning services and contraceptives are readily available.”

The journal put a huge emphasis on the importance of female education, referring to birth statistics in Africa to illustrate their point.

“African women with no education have, on average, 5.4 children; women who have completed primary school have 4.3 children, and a big drop, to 2.7, correlates with completion of secondary school; for those who go on to college, fertility is 2.2.’’

So, simply put, man, woman, child or animal, we could all benefit from improving gender equality.  


There are many myths and old wives' tales about grey hair – and many of them will make you worry. 

But, Women's Health recently spoke to dermatologist Howard Sobel and he cleared up what is fact and what is fiction about your future head of hair. 

Myth: If you see a grey hair pop up, you're on your way to a full head of silver soon.

False: Howard says that this isn't true for everyone. By the time you reach 30, you will naturally have a few grey hairs. While some may continue to grey as the years go on, others may just stall at those few strands for years to come. 


Myth: If you pluck a grey hair, two will grow back in its place.

False: “Plucking grey hair won’t increase the number of grey hairs that will grow in its place, but the ones that grow back will still be grey,” explains Howard. But be careful, because if you pluck a strand you might damage the hair follicle and then NO hair will grow back in its place. 


Myth: The age your mother went grey is a good estimate for when you will turn grey.

True: “Genetics will generally predict when your hair starts to go grey,” says Mr Sobel. However, environmental factors can also come into play.


Myth: You can give yourself grey hair from stressing too much.

Possibly True: “The supply of melanocyte stem cells that colour hair deplete as we age, and stress may make someone who is predisposed to grey hair go grey sooner,” says Howard.


Myth: Dying your hair constantly can bring on grey hair.

False: Hair dye has absolutely no relationship with grey hair, so this is completely untrue. However, your hair can take a beating from extreme colouring so be sure to condition and be kind to your do'. 



We know that in a lot of cities and countries, drinking bottled water is a necessity – but in places where it isn’t, has bottled water become a ridiculous fad?

Celebrities are often seen with water brands such as Fiji or Evian and with many celebs now washing their faces with bottled water, have we all gone mad?
