10 Twitter reactions to RTÉ2’s Choose or Lose
Those of you who tuned into Choose or Lose on RTÉ2 last night possibly went through a range of emotions. Mostly disbelief, embarrassment, anger, embarrassment (yes, again), shock and bemusement.
The game features two teams, including the hilarious Hilary Rose that battle it out over a series of 'would you rather' questions – potential we thought.
But, as these tweets prove, execution was, well butchered.
1. People across the country were learning things they never knew last night
'I wouldn't be with an animal cos I'm a human' – great insights curtesy of another RTE show 'Choose or Lose' #EpicFail
— molcullen (@MaryCullen13) December 8, 2014
2. Some people got a little sensitive about the whole debacle
#chooseorlose for the love if god @rte , tell NO ONE this was an Irish production. As an Irishman, I'll disown if you do.
— Owen Ball (@idlebones) December 8, 2014
3. We think he may be right there
I'm guessing @rte new "show", #chooseorlose is in for a gruelling by the @republicoftelly crew! And rightly so lol!! #cringe
— David Carroll (@3107Carroll) December 8, 2014
4. This tweet may have been when one of the quiz topics was 'Cunning Linguist'…d'ya geddit?
Iv watched bad programmes in my time, then I watched #chooseorlose.. Whoever made this should be quietly put in a taxi and sent far far away
— THE bless (@pblessing24) December 8, 2014
5. Drastic times call for *very* drastic measures
#chooseorlose thats it, im tuning into Vincent Browne #desperatetimes
— Declan Smith (@I_amDeclanSmith) December 8, 2014
6. Bet he's glad he didn't turn down the UPC gig now
@Larbas @RTE2 just waiting for Craig Doyle to turn up its that bad #chooseorlose
— South Kerry Caller (@TheSKerryCaller) December 8, 2014
7. Another mortified viewer
#chooseorlose This show needs to be put to sleep and buried in a deep deep hole and never spoken of again.
— Padraig Coughlan (@padraigco) December 8, 2014
8. Some people were willing to give the benefit of the doubt but an hour just wasn't long enough
Waiting for the moment where they redeem themselves but it's not happening #ChooseOrLose
— Kate Scott (@katehscott) December 8, 2014
9. Once again, drastic calls and all that
Would you rather watch #chooseorlose or go deaf? I think we're going to need more white hot needles. @RTE2
— darragh lucey (@DrHuxton) December 8, 2014
10. Ah now…that is HIGH bar to set. Yet…
My jaysus, I demand my TV License money back, #chooseorlose is quite possibly the worst thing @rte have EVER produced, dreadful
— Robert Gilligan (@GilliganRobert) December 8, 2014