Beauty 101: D.I.Y face masks
There’s nothing better than a good homemade face mask – they’re cheap, all natural and you know exactly what you’re putting on your face.
Here are a few timeless face mask recipes you might want to try at home:
Yoghurt mask
For a natural way to cleanse your skin and tighten the pores, slap some plain yoghurt onto your face and let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse off and pat dry with a towel.
Lemon mask
For a quick pick me up, mix two drops of lemon with a tablespoon of ground almonds. The lemon will tone and exfoliate your skin while the natural oil from the almonds r will keep it nice and moisturised.
Egg mask
Sounds a bit yuck right? Don’t be fooled by the name. This can do wonders for your skin. Simply beat one egg and apply it to your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then remove it. Watch your fresh face glow.