Winter, wood and warmth: 6 signs you’re a hardcore FANDINAVIAN
When it comes to winter, the Scandinavians have it nailed.
Embracing the weather, adapting their pastimes and creating a haven fit for a winter queen, our Nordic friends do winter (and everything it throws at them) in style.
But it's not just our friends across the water who have mastered this tricky season.
With Dry January limiting our options right now, many of us have adopted the wholesome attitude to winter which is normally attributed to those stunning Scandinavians.
And here are just six signs you're a complete and utter Fandinavian.
1. Weekends are all about brisk walks right now
During the summer months, you may have found yourself trailing home at 5am after a night on the tiles, but this all changed once winter set in.
These days, your Sunday mornings are dedicated to hearty, healthy breakfasts followed by long walks in the countryside.
"Didn't we see that couple last week too? Have we accidentally made new wholesome friends?!"
2. Your wardrobe is all about comfort
You may have been reared on sensible shoes and bobble hats, but once you started paying for your own clobber, your wardrobe began straining to contain all the glitz and glamour… until winter sets in, that is.
A true Fandinavian knows the importance of a good walking shoe, an insulated jacket and a coffee flask that doesn't crack on its first use.
"Look at your man trying to keep himself warm in that yoke. He needs a good padded gilet, and that's that."
3. Your home decor becomes very important
The moment the clocks go back, you're all about extra cushions, fleecy throws and wood-scented candles.
Creating a cabin-like vibe in your front room is what winter is all about, right?
"I haven't turned on a light since October. These candles are my only man."
4. Cooking becomes more of a pastime than a necessity
Throwing together a stir fry after work was the name of the game in the summer, but winter is a different story entirely.
You'll master homemade soup, and you'll make a fairly good attempt at a hotpot, but you have to admit defeat on Scandinavian-inspired fish dishes.
"I can see where they're coming from in fairness, but we were almost evicted over the smell of that trout."
5. You watch the fire more than the TV
When you spend most of the evening staring at a fire, you'll know the transformation from winter-lover to full-on Fandinavian is accelerating.
Plumping for a book in front of the fire over a binge in front of Netflix is what you're all about these days.
"I can barely see the words over that damn candle flickering, but it's worth it."
6. Evenings spent on the drink require a cosy pub
You may have been all about the nightclubs at the height of summer, but once winter sets in, you need a small pub, a friendly barman and, of course, an open fire.
And if they serve soup and bread alongside your hot port, you won't be leaving until closing.
"When I'm a grown-up, I'm going to open my own tavern."