10 expert ways you can handle The Fear
You have just woken up and all you keep getting is three distinctive flashbacks: fighting with your mate, texting your ex to tell him you guys should get back together and scoring said ex’s best friend. Well this is going to be an awkward morning…
Worse things could have happened. Just keep repeating that to yourself. You are vulnerable, sensitive and not in a good place right now.
Be Warm
You are experiencing the shakes and then sweating like a pig. You need to control this. Get your duvet and wrap it around you like a butterfly immersed in a cocoon. You can’t let this shivering defeat you. Stay strong!
It’s time. You go to the kitchen, you put on the kettle and you locate food. We recommend ice cream, crisps and bags of chocolate. If you are feeling up to it, make a giant sandwich.
I’m not talking a cup. I’m not talking a pint glass. Get as much water as you can physically carry. No man should be dehydrated and on a day like today anything could set you off, so, have it close to you. You deserve this fountain of relief.
Make it to the couch and get Netflix on because today you will watch TV like you’ve never watched it before. Remember you can do this. You are the master of this hangover.
Call A Friend
When you have calmed down from the utter panic you experienced this morning, it is time to call a friend. This is a 50/50 situation. You will either be relieved and joyous to find out last night wasn’t that bad or find out you have done a whole lot worse. It is your call. You can do this.
Okay, just let it all out. You may be watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S or something on the Disney Channel and you may have no reason to cry but just let it out. Hangovers and The Fear cause deep, deep emotions. Tomorrow will be a brighter day.
Get Up
It is time to get your sh*t together. Go and have a shower and get rid of this miserable, dark stage you are in. That presentation is due tomorrow so you better finish it. You have had your moments of fear and sadness, it has to end now.
Eat Again
It is dinner time and you are going to get the biggest meal of your life, so, enjoy it. Eat, eat and eat some more. You know gluttony is the best side effect of a hangover.
Rest Up
Try and get a good night’s sleep. You know everything will be better in the morning. Sleep cures all and it will even cure the fact that you scored your mates little brother or sister last night. Worse things could have happened.