Colin Farrell reading from George Hook’s erotic novel is the BEST
Morning radio got VERY interesting today, when Irish actor Colin Farrell appeared on Ian Dempsey's breakfast show on Today FM.
Ian and the Today FM gang are currently in Los Angeles to cover this year's Special Olympics World Summer Games, and Colin popped into the studio for a chat… and an unusual task.
If you didn't already know, rugby pundit George Hook is in the process of writing a novel (an erotic one no less), and he recently admitted that he'd love to see Colin Farrell taking the lead role if a film adaptation ever comes about.
Ian took the opportunity to test out Colin's suitability for the role by getting him to read an excerpt from the novel, and to show off his George Hook impersonation while he was at it:
George has revealed that his novel's working title is Slav For Love, though we prefer Colin's suggestion, Fifty Shades of Grump.
Chatting about the book's plot on his radio show, The Right Hook, the broadcaster said it involved a WWII-era young Polish woman who was "despoiled" by German soldiers. Charming.
When asked if it was comparable with the record breaking Fifty Shades trilogy, he said his work will be "more Tolstoy than EL James" adding, "First of all it’s well written – it has full stops, commas, and paragraphs."
We're not sure what we're more nervous about – the book, or the film adaptation…