FOBO is the new FOMO… And here are the ten signs you totally have it
As far as trendy addictions go, FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is so last year. The new widespread addiction is FOBO (Fear Of Being Offline).
Yep, according to a study called Coming Of Age Onscreen – which surveyed 18-24-year-olds in 13 different countries – the majority of young people are totally addicted to their phone.
In fact, 70 percent of people surveyed said they need to be able to check their phones at ALL times. Sound like you?
Here are signs you need to get out of your FOBO funk:
1. The first thing you do when you go somewhere new is check for a Wi-Fi connection and make sure your phone has a signal.
2. And if someone doesn't know their Wi-Fi password, it's just like:
3. You treat your phone like a person with feelings.
4. The first thing you do in when you wake up and the last thing you do before going to sleep is check your phone. And this usually happens while doing so:
5. You sometimes spend the whole day on your laptop and don't realise it until you look up and it's dark outside.
6. If you leave your phone in work, you rather travel all the way back than go without.
7. And don't even talk about planes.
8.You've gone to extreme lengths to charge your phone.
9. And a slow-loading page throws you into a crisis.
10. Losing your phone = losing your BFF.