FOMO: What’s the deal when you WANT to stay at home?
In today’s world, there is always something ”on”. We could be out every night of the week. Snapping away pictures for our social media accounts. Exhausted. Probably bored. Wishing we were curled up on the couch, clad in a onesie and flicking through Netflix.
So why aren’t we? Yes, this little thing known as FOMO that most of us are aware of. FOMO – the Fear Of Missing Out.
Of what? A mediocre night that gave you blisters, emptied your already-empty bank account and stole hours of much-needed beauty sleep from you?
Even if that is the case, a shockingly high number of us feel FOMO and we feel it intensely. But what about the people who choose to say f-you to FOMO?
Most of the time I cannot be arsed to RSVP ”yes” to a million and one things that I know I’ll end up bailing on hours before anyway.
And it seems I’m not alone in this bizarre new phenomenon of…wanting to stay in and relax. Shocker.
A survey by Porch.com spoke to 1,000 people and showed that people admitted how much the would rather stay in.
If a nightclub is on the schedule, 48 percent would rather stay on the sofa, for the the gym it’s 29 percent and a surprising 26 percent would skip happy hour.
Maybe it comes down to social anxiety as it seems like food affairs made people more comfortable as less than 10 percent of people would rather stay home than go out to brunch, a fancy dinner or just somewhere casual to eat.
And what about the classic bailing?
C’mon we’re all guilty of it – but what’s our method of choice?
Well, 68.2% cancel by text, 24.2% do the right thing and cancel by text while 4.7% brave people opt for in person leaving 2.2% by email and(thank God) only 0.7% of those who admit to ghosting. You cruel, cruel people.
We might feel fab cancelling until we see all the fun snaps we’re missing online – the survey showed 43.4% of us feel regret after looking at Instagram. And a whopping 69.% feel ashamed for staying in.
Saying no to things isn’t a crime, more and more of us are doing it and you know what? It feels good.
So this week if someone asks ”heading out for the weekend?”, it’s a no from us.
Bring on an American Horror Story marathon and a dirty takeaway.