“If I’m wearing a top, I don’t wear a bra. If I’m wearing a bra, I just wear a bra.”
Rihanna has never been one to shy away from strutting her stuff, so it comes as no surprise that the 25-year-old admitted that she won’t wear a bra under a shirt.
Speaking to Vogue, she says that growing up with mostly boys around her, meant the Diamonds singer didn’t really take to girly clothes and after a while, her mother didn’t expect her to either:
“I was very much a boy in my style, my demeanor. All my friends were guys. I loved things that boys did. It was my way of rebelling. I wanted to dress like my brother. After a while, it was just easier for Mom to dress us both the same,” the March cover girl explained.
She went on to say: “If I’m wearing a top, I don’t wear a bra. If I’m wearing a bra, I just wear a bra.”
Each to their own!