How to get the best out of freebie sites
If you’ve just moved into a new apartment or you’re simply redecorating a new one, freebie sites like Freecycle can be a great place to look for new stuff. Here are some tips on how use the sites so that you’ll find the best stuff – good luck!
Give as well as take
It’s considered good manners to put something up for offer on these kinds of sites before you grab something for yourself. It doesn’t have to be anything special, and it’s a good way of making space for new things too!
Use your imagination
While the desk being offered may look at bit worn around the edges right now, think about what you could do to make it look brand new again. A bit of upcycling is always fun!
Sign up to expensive areas
There’s a good chance people who are living in expensive areas have better quality things to give away! It may mean a bit of a drive for you to get there, but isn’t it worth it for a TV as big as your window?!
Sing up for the daily highlights email
If you don’t have the time to be scrolling through pages and pages of free stuff, then the daily highlights email can be really handy. Plus they pick out all the best stuff!