Just like love, ‘FRIENDSHIP at first sight’ is an actual scientific thing
We'd be lost without our friends, and how many of you remember first meeting your BFF?
Was it in school, at camogie practice, or did you randomly bump into them at the middle green in your estate?
Sometimes, having that one friend is the only thing to prop you up in those dark days, and as it turns out, just like love, friendship at first sight is a legit thing that helps us along the way.
We all see and hear about love at first sight, and often wish that couple who stumbled upon each other in the pub and instantly hit it off was us, but seeing that it can happen with friends has totally lifted our spirits (because we rather have fab BFFs than a boy, any day).
A recent article in the New York Magazine explored the theory and proved that it is actually quite scientific.
One of the studies investigates the lurrrrve side of things, and states that if you believe it will happen, it will happen.
And so, the same thing happens with friendship at first sight. So, while finding your BFF4L is great and everything, it's based on very real science.
If you get a good feeling about a person from the start, you generally make a lot of effort to keep them in your circle and explore where that relationship will go.
And on the flip-side, if you get a feeling like that girl is covering something up, you're not going to want to include her in your everyday life, and will try find anything to validate your feelings that there's something off about her.
So, at the end of the day, it's all down to your gut feeling.