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In a groundbreaking development, scientists in New Zealand have discovered they indirectly developed a vaccine which protects against gonorrhoea.

Between 2004 and 2006, approximately one million adolescents were given the vaccine which was originally developed to stop the outbreak of meningitis B.

Interestingly, after analysing data obtained from sexual health clinics, researchers at the University of Auckland established that cases of gonorrhoea had fallen 31 per cent in those who had been vaccinated, thereby proving that the Men B jab provided 'cross protection'.

A report into the findings stated: "Exposure to MeNZB was associated with reduced rates of gonorrhoea diagnosis, the first time a vaccine has shown any protection against gonorrhoea."

"These results provide a proof of principle that can inform prospective vaccine development not only for gonorrhoea but also for meningococcal vaccines."

With the sexually transmitted disease hitting the headlines for its apparent immunity to antibiotics, researchers are keen to highlight the significance of these findings.

"This is the first time a vaccine has shown any protection against gonorrhoea," Dr Helen Petousis-Harris said.

"At the moment, the mechanism behind this immune response is unknown, but our findings could inform future vaccine development." 

The research has been published in the Lancet Journal.



The World Health Organization is warning against the spread of a strain of gonorrhoea

At least three people worldwide are infected with the untreatable superbug strain.

The disease is spreading thorough unprotected sex, WHO said. 

'Gonorrhea is a very smart bug,' said Teodora Wi, a human reproduction specialist.

'Every time you introduce a new type of antibiotic to treat it, this bug develops resistance to it.'

No known antibiotic is effective on the particular strain of the STI. 

The three cases were found in Japan, France and Spain.

The number of sexually transmitted infections grew by 10 per cent in 2016 in Ireland, according to the HSE’s Health Protection Surveillance Centre, and gonorrhoea saw one one the biggest spikes.


The number of sexually transmitted infections grew by 10 per cent in 2016, according to the HSE’s Health Protection Surveillance Centre, and gonorrhea saw one one the biggest spikes.

If you don't already have a semi-friendly relationship with the nurse at your local free clinic, now would be the time to get yourself checked if you have any suspicions that there might be some odd behaviour happening in your nether regions. 

Luckily, gonorrhea is one of the more treatable STIs out there, so if you have contracted the ailment, it wont be forever. 

Gonorrhoea is a bacterial infection that can be treated and cured with specific antibiotics, according to the HSE. 

However, you can have gonorrhea for an extended period of time and not show any symptoms.

When the symptoms do arrive, they can include a slightly unsavoury yellowish or greenish-white discharge, itching around the front or back passage, and burning or pain when peeing. Ouch. 

The illness can also be marked by soreness or redness in the throat, and be accompanied by eye infections such as a discharge or red eye.

Women can also suffer with stomach pain brought on by the disease. 

The only way to protect yourself from the STI is to use condoms during every sexual encounter and never share sex toys with anyone (not that we'd make a habit of it).

If you think you might be a card-carrying member of the G club, or think that you may have contracted any kind of sexually transmitted infection, it's important to get it checked ASAP to avoid passing it to others or creating complications in your sexual health further down the line. 
