The #BeingIrishMeans hashtag is providing GAS craic on Twitter
As today marks Proclamation Day in Ireland's 1916 Centenary Programme, schools all over the country gathered to express their vision for Ireland's future.
And over on Twitter, Newstalk decided to get adults in on the event too, by asking people what being Irish meant to them.
The results, unsurprisingly, were brilliant.
Unpronouncable first names
#BeingIrishMeans having a first name that is 75% vowels
— Aine Dempsey (@AineDempsey) March 15, 2016
Having strange tea-making rituals
#BeingIrishMeans (inexplicably) putting your tea bag on the draining board before it completes its journey to the bin.
— Scott Evans (@NotScottEvans) December 25, 2015
Never being able to serve tea to visitors without the obligatory kilo of biscuits
#beingirishmeans entertaining spread= tay, bikkies, buns, and sangitches (chaize,hang, and crisps)
— Enlightened! (@RealEnli) March 15, 2016
Taking strange pride in our ability to complain
#BeingIrishMeans Begrudgery, complaining and jaywalking are our national sports.
— Fiona (@fkinaw3some) March 15, 2016
Always saying thanks to the bus driver, unless they've committed a cardinal sin
@ireland #beingirishmeans NOT saying thanks to bus drivers to let them know you're really, really annoyed. Otherwise ALWAYS saying thanks.
— Debbie Jenkinson (@debbiejenkinson) March 15, 2016
Never being without someone to talk to
#beingirishmeans starting up conversations with complete strangers on the bus/pub and interacting as if you've known each other for years
— Rachel Henderson (@RachHenderson) March 15, 2016
Ah, it's good to be Irish!