These jeans will MOISTURISE your legs while you are wearing them
Keeping your skin moisturised during the long, cold winter months can be a challenge, especially when you are covering up all the time.
However, if keeping your skin smooth and soft sounds like a total chore to you, how would you like a bit of skin moisturising on-the-go?
Yep, ladies we reckon this could be the holy grail of clothes right here.
Not only do these revolutionary jeans claim to make your legs look skinnier, they also purport to leave your skin feeling ridiculously smooth after wearing.
But just HOW does that work without leaving you feeling like you are walking around in damp bottoms all day?
Well according to Guess, the SLIMTEX jeans are infused with a concoction of gingko and vitamin E that dispel in tiny amounts as you wear the pants during the day.
The jeans currently come in this 'jegging' style with just one wear apparently leaving you with "toucably soft skin."
They come in at about €120, so you may wanna forget your moisturiser binge in Boots this month and splurge on a pair of these bad boys instead.
We just hope this design extends to ALL CLOTHES soon.