How to not be THAT annoying person in the gym
We all know the one.
We dodge them in the weight room and God forbid we have to run on the treadmill beside them.
They just seem to make going to the gym a lot more difficult and way more time-consuming.
If you don't want to be one of these pests, here are a few simple rules for fit-i-quette (fitness etiquette, FYI):
Put it back
No one has hide and seek on their workout routine. People who move equipment around or just drop dumbells wherever they please are the most frequent and annoying offenders. If you move something, always put it back where you found it.
Wipe down equipment
This is just hygienic! Many facilities have a towelette dispenser and mostly all have hand towels. Just grab one and quickly run it along where you were working out. It doesn't take much time and is way more pleasant for the person who is next in line. Nobody wants to sit on another persons sweat. Gross.
Ditch your bags
We get that you might be in for a quick morning session but bringing your bags into the workout area isn't just annoying, it's a safety concern too. Don't make fellow exercisers hop over all your stuff.
Ask for help
Unsure how to use that workout bench? Ask! It may be intimidating asking for help but trainers encourage it. There's no point trying to figure out how to use something for twenty minutes because you're only losing workout time and it will also annoy other people in the gym waiting to use the machine after you.
Tone down the tech
While it might be all well and good to post a motivating snap pre- or post-workout, taking a million selfies during your workout is just frustrating for other people. No one wants to sit and look while you take a picture of yourself on EVERY machine.