9 things that will definitely happen on your Halloween night out
Halloween has rolled around again, and if you're anything like us you're scrambling to find anything resembling a costume right about now.
No matter what you dress up as though, fancy dress nights are always guaranteed to be a bit of craic.
There's something about donning a disguise that always makes us totally giddy… and up for some mischief.
Here are a few of the scrapes you're bound to find yourself in over the next 48 hours…
1. Once again you'll leave your costume to the VERY last minute
"I'll just scribble all over my face with this eyeliner and wear some novelty sunglasses, will I?"
2. You'll realise getting the bus into town with full vampire facepaint was a bad idea
"Mammy, why is that girl covered in blood?"
3. You'll be asked "What are you?" again… and again… and again
In the eternal words of Amanda Seyfried…
4. If you bought a pre-made costume, you'll spot at least six other girls wearing it
"Yeah, we all came together. We're a squad of Minions."
5. There will always be one person in an AMAZING costume that must have taken weeks
Heidi Klum, we salute you.
6. Every pub will have some kind of 'gory' cocktail special
2 for 1 'vampire blood' daiquiris, don't mind if I do.
7. By midnight, town will be a wasteland of drunk zombies and Supermen
8. The local chipper will be the same
Join the queue behind Mario, Catwoman and the drunk Frankenstein who's already inhaled two bags of curry chips.
9. You will definitely fall asleep with ALL your facepaint on
And it will take three washes to get that hairspray out. Standard.