Eye rolls galore: 5 signs your mate is full-on advanced-level HANGRY
While most of us are guilty of getting a bit hangry from time to time, we all have that friend who takes it to the next level.
She’s grumpy, irritated and snappier than a Chandler Bing one-liner – all because she hasn’t eaten for a few hours.
So if you’re wondering why your mate is getting a bit thick with you for no reason, she’s probably just hangry. Check the signs:
1. She’s rolling her eyes at everything you say
No matter what you say, her response is an energetic eye roll. Don’t worry, it’s not you – she just needs a snack.
2. She takes compliments badly
“You look gorgeous today” is met with, “Will you stop, the state of me. I’m like a dog’s dinner,” followed by an angry fold of her arms. Oh, OK.
3. She asks if you have any food ‘on you’
So you search your handbag in the vain hope you can find something to quell the ‘hangriness’. This is where Carr’s Crinklys would come in a treat. These baked snacks are crunchy, tasty and perfect for filling the gap (and preventing your pal from having a hangry meltdown).
4. She makes food-related Freudian slips
So distracted is she, her friend Brenda becomes ‘baguette’, Rory becomes ‘roll’ and Mary is ‘mayo’. “Hey Baguette, I mean Brenda, how are you?” Someone feed that girl, quick!
5. She covets your food
Each bite you take is scrutinised with a hangry glare, until you’re eventually forced to ask if she would like a bite. Of course she accepts.
Thankfully keeping hangriness at bay is easy peasy with Carr’s Crinklys, the new savoury baked snacks from Carr's in Cheese & Onion, Salt & Vinegar and Bacon – and they’re baked, so are WAY healthier than fried crisps. Pop them in your handbag, and you’re good to go. Delish!