Tis the season to be hungover: 5 things that WILL actually help you
When it comes to hangovers, we have the memory of a goldfish.
Mornings spent begging for a bucket are quickly erased once the next big night rolls around.
Afternoons spent slumped in front of Netflix pale into insignificance once talk turns to the newest cocktail.
And then the hangover hits again, and we're stunned that we failed to learn our lesson… again.
With more parties than you can shake a stick at on the horizon, here are five things that will DEFINITELY help you power on through.
1. Take a shower.
When your mouth tastes like a carpet and you can barely lift your head off the pillow, the idea of crawling into the bathroom is far from appealing, but it helps so much we could weep.
No one's asking you to shave, exfoliate or apply a hair mask, but simply wash off last night's makeup and throw some shampoo into that bird's nest.
Life lesson: No one has ever felt worse after washing themselves.
2. Get dressed
It can be tempting to stay in your pyjamas (that's if you got into them in the first place) but fresh, clean, and most importantly, comfy clothes will do wonders for your fragile state of mind.
Pull on a hoody, slip into your softest sweat pants (the ones with the soup stain that you can't get out) and haul out your fluffiest socks.
Life lesson: Your biggest hoody will be there for you long after everyone else has left.
3. Avoid social media
If you want to feel worse about yourself then by all means scroll through a newsfeed which documents other people's early morning hikes, festive brunches and smug work-out sessions while you huddle on the couch.
Stick your phone in another room for at least a few hours until you're ready to face the hell that is other people.
Life lesson: Smug Facebook posts never have, and never will, improve a hangover.
4. Get some fresh air
Whether it means walking to the end of your back garden a few times or hovering on your balcony for twenty minutes, a good blast of fresh air will genuinely make you feel better.
This does not mean you should embark on a hike or even attempt anything as challenging as a brisk walk, but it does mean you must leave your blanket fort for at least twenty minutes.
Life lesson: Your blanket fort will always be there when you get back.
5. Order your favourite takeaway
We'll be honest – the thought of our favourite dinner gets us through even the most hideous of days, so a takeaway is always a good idea when you're too fragile to operate a toaster.
Today is not the day for calorie counting, food guilt or embarrassment; you order what you want, when you want and enjoy every damn morsel.
Life Lesson: Eat pizza.