Spring struggles: 9 tips for coping with hayfever
It seems incredibly cruel that whenever the sun comes out and the masses are frolicking through green fields with a warm breeze on their skin, hayfever sufferers are forced into miserable seclusion.
Everyone else gets through harsh winter weather by promising themselves better days when the sun comes out – for us, damp winter days are the highlight of our year.
But it's not all bleak – here are some top tips that will help you stay on top of the pollen.
Don’t hang clothes outside to dry
Yes, it’s great drying weather, but it’s also great pollen weather.
Avoid ‘high pollen’ activities
Well you couldn’t possibly be expected to mow the grass or trim the hedges in your condition; the hubby will just have to take this one for the team.
Skip the woodland walk
This is an obvious one, but avoid anywhere with a lot of vegetation. The good news is the pollen count lessens the closer you are to the sea, so you’ll just have to take a trip to the beach.
Keep windows and doors closed
Alas, the cooling breeze can’t be yours on a hot day. Stop pollen from floating into your house and invest in a few fans to keep you cool instead.
Quarantine the pet
You may not be allergic to cat or dog hairs, but if those little guys have been outside, they’re bound to have pollen clinging to their fur, so keep them out of main living areas.
Change your outfit and shower whenever you get home as pollen has an irritating habit of clinging to your clothes and hair when you’re out and about. Gosh darn, the hubby will just have to make the dinner this evening…
Keep on top of housework
As if you're not suffering enough, it’s important you vacuum your house regularly and dust with a damp cloth to catch the sneaky pollen grains that do make it inside.
Wear sunglasses
These will help minimise the amount your eyes come in contact with pollen and wrap-around glasses giving you the best protection. At least you'll look cool!
And finally, don’t keep fresh flowers in the house
Because obviously.