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Living in a country whose government has yet to extend women the right to bodily autonomy means it’s highly likely you have a view on the 8th amendment.

Whether for or against its repeal, you have an opinion on abortion.

And so too does Lena Dunham.

Indeed, the pilot episode of her award-winning series, Girls, focuses on a character’s decision to terminate a pregnancy while a later episode addresses the repercussions born of a woman’s right to choose.

And yet despite being commended for a searingly accurate portrayal, Lena seems to think that her stance on the matter is – on some level – less authentic because she herself has never had an abortion.

Speaking during a recent Women of the Hour podcast, Lena admitted that stigma surrounding abortion had – despite her best efforts – infiltrated her thought-process.

“One day when I was visiting Planned Parenthood in Texas a few years ago, a young girl walked up to me and asked me if I’d like to be part of her project in which women share stories of abortions.”

“I sort of jumped,” Lena admitted. ‘I haven’t had an abortion’, I told her. I wanted to make it really clear that as much as I was going out and fighting for other women’s options, I myself had never had an abortion.”

“And I realised then that even I was carrying within myself stigma around the issue,“ she continued. “Even I, the woman who cares as much as anybody about a woman’s right to choose, felt it was important that people know I was unblemished in this department.”

Look, there are very few of us who haven’t, at some point, found ourselves unwittingly influenced by an external narrative, but recognising this is simply part and parcel of forming an adult opinion.

Worryingly however, Lena isn’t content to merely acknowledge this element of opinion formation and move on, but instead suggests that a person's perspective is less valid if they don't have first-hand experience of the matter.

“I feel so proud of them for their bravery, for their self-knowledge, and it was a really important moment for me then to realise that I had internalised some of what society was throwing at us and I had to put it in the garbage.”

“Now I can say that I still haven’t had an abortion, but I wish I had,” she admitted.

Let’s consider that for a moment – Lena wishes she had had an abortion. And not because she is now a mother who is unequipped emotionally and/ or financially to care for a child, but so she might be able to wave her pro-choice flag that little bit higher.

Would it really make her stance on bodily autonomy more, shall we say, authentic if she had personally endured the same emotional turmoil that invariably accompanies a woman’s decision to terminate a pregnancy? 

Is Lena really suggesting that her opinion on women's rights has less sway because she hasn’t found herself grappling with a certain decision?

By that token, is an individual, who protests against racial discrimination, in less of a position to do so until they themselves have been a victim of it?

Similarly, can the average Joe not object to homophobic rhetoric unless they themselves have been in a same-sex relationship?

And did the voices of the women, who marched through Dublin demanding an appeal of the 8th amendment on behalf of themselves, their sisters, their daughters and their friends, ring any less true simply because not all present had undergone a termination?

Isn’t Lena missing the point here? She appears to be under the misguided impression that women who have had abortions only seek and appreciate the support of those who have made the same choice, and ultimately dismiss the support of those who haven't.

Supporting a woman’s right to choose does not require we live parallel lives.

Demanding bodily autonomy for women does not necessitate a past ‘abortion story’.

And ‘wishing’ you had had an abortion purely so your opinion on the matter appears more authentic belittles the experience of the very women you’re claiming to support.

Don’t wish you had an abortion; wish that the women who did could have done it without judgement.


Sometimes it's all we can do to throw ourselves in the shower after a long day, so it's no real surprise many of us regularly skip a very important part of this particular routine.

And that, ladies, is the thirty or so minutes we need to devote to drying our manes.

While some people balk at the thought of going to bed with a wet head, countless others think nothing of snuggling down with a towel wrapped around their tresses until morning.

Unfortunately, this almost guarantees a whole host of problems on the hair front if advice offered by haircare expert Sally-Ann Travers is anything to go by.

Speaking to Cosmopolitan, the consultant trichologist explained: "The main issue with going to bed with wet hair is that the cuticle (outer layer) of the hair is more raised when wet – which is why often some women find their hair is impossibly knotty when wet but not so when dry."

"Sleeping with wet hair could cause it to tangle more particularly if you move a lot in your sleep and come morning, it could be difficult to comb through."

But if you thought a tricky morning-after routine was the worst of it, prepare yourselves.

"Fungus likes moist warm conditions to grow and consistently sleeping with wet hair could contribute to an overgrowth in fungus or scalp 'yeast', potentially leading to scalp problems or dandruff," Sally-Ann explained.

"Spores could also develop in your pillow due to the same damp warm conditions, which could contribute to breathing issues, rhinitis and allergies." she added.

And if you'll excuse us, we need to re-think our New Year's resolutions.


Look, we'd be the first to admit that the merest hint of a headcold has us wheeling out age-old remedies before diving beneath a duvet.

But much and all as we loathe our bi-annual dose, we don't think we'd have the courage to prevent their emergence with a cold shower…. on the daily.

Oh, that's right ladies, according to recent research, braving a cold shower helps ward off the common cold by boosting your immune system.

In a study conducted by Dutch researchers, more than 3,000 individuals aged between 18 and 65 were encouraged to take short, cold showers every single day for a month.

Interestingly, the participants who took cold showers on the daily took 29% fewer days sick leave than the control group who languished in long, hot showers every morning.

"The most commonly reported beneficial effect was an increase in perceived energy levels, including many reported comparisons to the effect of caffeine," researchers confirmed.

Explaining the motivation behind the study, researchers explained: "Cold water has been used therapeutically for many centuries and continues using modern technology."

"Hippocrates, the father of medicine, who added rubbing to cold bathing, was accustomed to use cold water in his treatment of the most serious illnesses."

And nope, we won't be trying it.


If anyone knows what it's like to have her body scrutinised, it's Khloé Kardashian.

The 32-year-old has spent much of her career fending off criticism about her appearance while her older sisters basked in praise heaped upon them by the public.

And while Khloé has no doubt shown her critics what she's made of by embarking upon (and maintaining) an admirably healthy lifestyle in recent years, she hasn't heard the end of the comparisons.

Speaking to Health magazine for its January issue, the reality star explained that even those employed to help guide her have made reference to the differences between herself and her siblings.

"The nutritionist was like, 'Kim has a body like a Ferrari, and you have a body like a Honda.' I was like, 'Yep, that sounds about right." Khloe told the publication.

"Kim can eat anything, and I'm like, 'I hate you,' Khloé added. "That's my life – you just summed it up right there.'"

And if that wasn't enough to contend with, Khloé revealed that her success on the health and fitness front wasn't enough for some people.

"Some people were like, 'It took you so long to lose weight,' Khloe explains. "And I'm like, 'I've been fat or out of shape my whole life. It's gonna take time to reprogram my body.'"

Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't.


Hugely popular TV and radio presenter, Fearne Cotton, made the decision to discuss her depression diagnosis in her new book Happy, and in a recent column for Glamour magazine she offered an insight into the motivation behind it.

"The book Happy was born from a huge personal shift in perspective and pivotal point in my life," the mother-of-two began.


And as if by magic she was back to her natural state #getyapjsout

A photo posted by Fearne (@fearnecotton) on

In words which are bound to resonate with millions, she continued: "I used to believe that life worked in a certain way and that particular moments should be reached or achieved, and along with that would come happiness."

Fearne reveals that this particular approach was thrown into freefall when she was diagnosed with depression, continuing: "Although excruciating, this explosive yet short period of my life lead me to soul search in new ways I hadn't before."

The presenter, who first hit our screens way back in 1996, is eager to remind the public that depression does not discriminate.

"There might be assumptions made that if you are on TV or have experienced a certain journey in life then you should be immune to depression or sorrow."

Fearne chose to use her book to share the techniques which help her to navigate the condition – something which she also touched on in the recent column.


Last in the series on in just over an hour! @itv2

A photo posted by Fearne (@fearnecotton) on

"Simple pleasures like being with my family, getting out in the fresh air, eating healthy food and music are all small things that impact my happiness daily," she wrote.

"For me it's all about those small steps in the right direction rather than huge leaps where there are no guarantees."

Reflecting on Happy, which is set for release in February 2017, Fearne added: "It's an honest book which I hope brings solace to others knowing they're not alone and also includes practical exercises to help tap up that happiness daily."


Let’s be honest, Christmas is all about lying on the couch, surveying your ever-widening waistline and vowing to get healthy in the New Year… just as soon as you polish off this double-decker turkey sandwich.

But it’s easier said than done though, right?

If you have spent countless hours envisioning a happy, healthier version of yourself for 2017, then you need to get in on the Happy Pear’s Happy Heart course, and pronto.

At just €99 for a four-week online course (and 20% off promotion before December 31!) you will be given 50 recipes exclusive to Happy Heart students in addition to live Q&A with Dave and Steve each week.

The course, which promotes a plant-based and whole food diet, helps increase energy levels, accelerate weight loss, lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol.

Working from the inside out, the Happy Heart course is a major step in the right direction when it comes to cardiovascular health and general wellbeing.

We know what we’re getting ourselves this Christmas.



According to emerging reports, the University of Limerick has issued a warning to all students regarding their sexual health.

Amid a recent chlamydia and gonorrhea outbreak, the university has circulated an email advising students of the potential dangers associated with contracting the infections.

"The Student Health Centre has been notified that there is an outbreak of Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia on campus." read the email. "These are sexually transmitted diseases as a result of unprotected anal, vaginal or oral sex."

It has been established that there have been 10 reported cases of the infections which, under the HSE guidelines, constitutes an outbreak.

Both STIs can be contracted through unprotected sex, but those who are carrying the infections may not exhibit any symptoms.

Commenting on the outbreak, the University of Limerick issued a statement, saying: "As is best practice, UL has rolled out an awareness campaign contacting every student directly."

"In accordance with HSE protocols students are being urged to present to the STI and/or the GP clinics run by the UL Student Health Centre should they have concerns with regard to any element of their health and to get the necessary treatment."

Advising students on current protocol, they added: "All students who present are currently being seen with or without an appointment and UL will continue to work closely with the HSE to ensure all awareness and treatment protocols are fully adhered to."


Tis the season for good resolutions. But much harder than commit to them is sticking to them, which is why we have a few suggestions of easy and struggle-free changes that can truly change your life. 

1) Reduce sugar intake:

We know, it’s hard, especially since so much of our daily intake comes from hidden sugar in processed food – look at the back of a tomato sauce and you’ll see what we mean. So start by gradually reducing the sugar in your cuppa, skip the jam on the toasts, have an apple instead of candies. Sugar is addictive but the good news is, the less you eat of it the less you crave it.



2) Make meals from scratch:
“Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognise as food”, says American food activist Michael Pollan. And we're pretty sure that your great-grandmother didn’t know about Mars bars and Doritos. Modern life can jeopardise our good resolutions, but trying to eat homemade food made from scratch as often as you can is essential. Don’t be too harsh on yourself though: little changes make a big difference over time. 



3) Walk as much as possible:

How easy is it to skip the gym and Netflix and chill instead? If going to the gym is too much of a commitment in your busy life, try and introduce as much walking in your day as possible. Go talk to a colleague instead of emailing, go get some air at lunch time, get off the Luas one stop before and walk the distance, go for a hike with the kids at the weekend. Again, every step counts.



4) Sleep more:
There are several reasons for getting at least seven hours of sleep every night, and controlling your weight is a pretty big one. Sleeping helps control hunger hormones, and we have all noticed that it is much harder to exercise and make healthy food choices when we are tired. So turn off your phone, stop scrolling through Instagram, and lights off before 11pm.



5) Laugh:
Some say that laughter is the best medicine. It can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression, and even strengthen your immune system. Try and seek out more opportunities for a good laugh, by spending more time with funny friends, watching comedies, listening to a funny podcast (we strongly recommend My Dad Wrote A Porno). It will bring you happiness and could help you live a longer and healthier life. 


PLUS: stop smoking
Unhealthy, expensive, smelly, addictive… do we really need to give any more reason to quit for 2017? 

It's safe to say that we all know, just like fashion, body trends come and go and in most recent years – well, since Kimmy K came onto the scene – having a bigger bum has become really popular.

But as it turns out, having delish bootay comes with a major health benefit.

Yep, a new study by the International Journal of Obesity found that having a bum on the larger side can help with chronic illnesses.

Image result for kim kardashian bum gifs

The study explained that there's different reasons for why your weight is distributed in various areas, and if you have a lot on your bottom, it can help with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

But, it doesn't stop there. The researchers also discovered that it can make you smarter.

Related image

Lead researcher Konstantinos Manolopoulos said: "Body fat distribution is a major determinant of metabolic health and gluteofemoral adipose tissue exerts specific functional properties that are associated with an improved metabolic and cardiovascular risk profile.''

Now, this could all mean absolute mush to you, and let's be honest, there's many people with smaller bums that are highly intelligent, so take from this as you will.


If pouring a glass of wine is a nightly ritual in your house, then fair play to you for looking after your health.

Honestly, you're a credit to yourself, and we should all take a leaf out of your book by the sounds of things.

According to a study conducted by researchers in Cambridge and Sweden,  partaking in a tipple – especialy a small glass of red –  can help protect against ischameic stroke.

Ischameic stroke affects the individual when clots cut off the blood and oxygen to the brain and the sufferer is forced to learn how to walk and talk again.

So, where does vino come in exactly?

Scientists established that any alcoholic drink less than 1.5 units reduces protein levels which are known to cause blood clots.

"Previous research has found an association between alcohol consumption and lower levels of fibrinogen – a protein in the body which helps the formation of blood clots," explained lead author Dr Susanna Larsson.

While the study revealed that participants who consumed 1.5 units per night were 10 per cent less likely to suffer an ischaemic stroke, researchers are eager to highlight the dangers associated with excessive alcohol consumption.

"The adverse effect of alcohol consumption on blood pressure – a major risk factor for stroke – may increase the risk of haemorrhagic stroke and outweigh any potential benefit," they explained.

Still, it's good to know that the experts are all for our nightly glass…


If the sensation of a banging headache coincides with the sound of your alarm clock, you're not alone.

According to statistics, one in 13 people wake up with a headache (despite not having hit the vino the night before) and it turns out their sleeping position may be to blame for this one.

Highlighting the issue, Marie Claire gave us the 411 on the positions to avoid if we want to wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the morning. (Or, you know, as close to human as possible)

According to those in the know, sleeping on your front, in the foetal position or with your arm over your head put you on the fast-track to a world of pain upon waking.

These positions are known to cause tension in the neck and shoulders while, in some cases, they are responsible for cutting off circulation in this area which understandably causes discomfort.

And while it may not sound the most appealing, for those who do wake up with headaches, experts advise you to adopt the 'coffin-pose 'before drifting off as this position maintains a straight spine and allows for proper blood circulation.

Worth a try, right?




Victoria's Secret was lauded in recent weeks after they released images of a model whose stretch marks hadn't been digitally removed.

And while the general public applauded the brand's decision to showcase women with the same physicalities as the rest of us, that doesn't mean everyone is as impressed by their own tiger stripes as they are Jasmine Tookes.

So, it's no real surprise that a tattoo artist who manages to conceal stretch marks with the help of a tattoo needle is currently blowing up Instagram.

Rodolpho Torres from São Paulo amassed a following of more than 1.2 million after he began uploading footage which documented his approach to stretch mark 'removal'.

As stretch marks are physical evidence the skin has been stretched due to weight gain, weight loss or pregnancy, Rodolpho can't magically remove them but instead matches his ink to his client's skintone before filling in the contours.

And while Instagram users may be fascinated by Rodolpho's technique, a dermotologist named Dr Doris Day has warned the public that this particular approach is not without its risks.

"The risk is, if a tattoo is done by someone who doesn't understand how to treat skin, you can end up with a scar, and a potentially worse problem, especially in an area that's already thinner and missing some of the essential elements of skin," she explained.

Something tells us his 1.2 million followers won't be deterred.
