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If you were big into piercings back in the day, chances are you have a couple of tiny holes in your ears which you no longer adorn with jewellery.

And while most of us assume every small hole in a person's ear is the result of a past piercing, this isn't actually the case – something you'll be all too familiar with if you have a rare condition called preauricular sinus.

Preauricular sinus presents as a tiny hole where the ear cartilage joins the face, and is a harmless condition which affects, on average, one in 100 people.

First documented by scientist Van Heusinger back in 1864, preauricular sinus appears during early foetal development and is hereditary.

If you've never noticed anyone with this feature before, social media is here to clue you in.



Akhirnya saya tahu apa nama lubang sebesar ujung pensil di antara daun telinga dan wajah yang dimiliki suami saya : Fistula Preaurikular Kongenital . Suami saya memiliki lubang itu pada dua telinganya, sedangkan bayi kami hanya memiliki lubang itu pada telinga sebelah kiri. Saya pikir ini mungkin penyakit menurun. . Semoga penyakit ini tidak membawa dampak apa-apa pada bayi kami. Karena suami saya sampai saat ini tidak mengeluh apa-apa karena lubang tersebut. Hanya mengeluh kalau ada sekret/cairan yang bau bila dipencet. . Ada beberapa kasus yang dioperasi. Tapi kalau tidak terjadi apa-apa, tak apalah dibiarkan saja. . Saya menganggap itu suatu ciptaan Alloh SWT yang luar biasa. Sudah bersyukur sekali bayi kami memiliki telinga yang lengkap dan berfungsi normal dan baik. #preauricularsinus #babycenter #allaboutbaby #FistulaPreaurikularKongenital

A photo posted by m r s . B A N D E L L A (@lelylunalie) on



preauricular sinus = free forward helix piercing

A photo posted by Ask When (@askuswhen) on


There are days when fitness bloggers inspire us to work out and there are days when their perfectly sculpted pictures appear anything but achievable.

This week, fitness guru Ashlie Molstad achieved widespread Internet fame when she challenged this perception of unattainability by revealing the difference posing can make to an Instagrammer’s physique.

Placing an image of herself standing upright while tensing her muscles alongside a photo in which she is sitting in a relaxed position, the 31-year-old perfectly demonstrated how one body can shift from sculpted to seemingly untoned because of differing angles, even when dressed in the same clothes.

In the accompanying caption, Ashlie (or @FoodieGirlFitness) pledged that her followers will always be shown both her “posed, put together, professional side” and her “not so flattering sides”.

“Contrary to what society has taught us to think, our worth isn't measured by how many belly rolls we have, or how many dimples on our booty, or how much jiggle hangs out on our arms,” she wrote.

“Loving ourselves exactly as we are is hard.  Because we've been told for years that we're not good enough until we {insert any of the thousands of ideas of perfection that has been fed to us over the years}.”

“But I call BS.  I say that the real magic happens when we embrace who we are, at every angle and size.” 

Demonstrating that the Internet cannot get enough of the authenticity it is so commonly criticised for lacking, Ashlie’s post has been liked 164,000 times since it was uploaded on Friday.

Among the post’s 9,000 comments, one inspired follower wrote: “This is exactly what young girls need to see!  And even at 25 I needed this reality check.  Thank you so much for being brave enough and posting this.”



When you and your partner decide to move in together, a fair amount of compromise needs to take place.

(You might agree to forfeit your 80 throws and 200 scatter cushions if he agrees to donate his games console to charity, that kind of thing.)

No but seriously, while delegation of household tasks might seem like the biggest source of stress in your new co-habiting environment, it turns out that bringing out the bins has NOTHING on bailing into bed if a recent study is to be believed.

According to researchers from the University of Leeds, sharing a bed with someone who tends to snore or sleep talk can have a detrimental effect on your own health.

Research concluded that 29% of participants suffer from sleep deprivation as a result of their bedmate – a condition which can increase the risk of depression, heart disease, respiratory failure and stroke.

Good thing we secretly kept those throws and cushions – some people, who shall remain nameless, are sleeping on the couch tonight.


Earlier this week, we stumbled across one brave woman who decided to ditch shampoo for good.

And just as we'd come to terms with how good her hair looks despite joining the 'no-poo' brigade, we came across another young woman who has chosen to ignore the demands placed on her by society.

22-year-old Elyse Brautigam, a native of Hawaii, took to YouTube in recent weeks to explain her motivation for ditching the deodorant in favour of a more natural scent.

"I haven't worn deodorant in probably around a year, give or take a couple of days," Elyse told YouTubers. "It was around two and half years ago that I transitioned my diet to a vegan diet."

Elyse explains that this dietary change had a major impact on her hormone levels, adding: "My body odour has changed quite a bit. My body smells differently."

And despite the fact Elyse is an avid gym-bunny who happily 'sweats like a pig', she's been pleasantly surprised by the impact her diet has changed on her body odour.

The popular YouTuber has attracted serious attention, with her latest upload racking up almost a quarter of a million likes

Check it out!




Michael Bublé’s three-year-old son, Noah, has reportedly been diagnosed with liver cancer.

According to Argentinian magazine Gente, Michael and his wife Luisana Lopilato received the devastating news after doctors in LA conducted a liver biopsy on their young son.

Noah is believed to have started a four month period of chemotherapy.  The Mail Online has reported that the singer’s son has a 90 percent chance of beating his illness.

Late last week, Michael took to Facebook to confirm Noah’s cancer diagnosis.

Initial reports had speculated that the couple’s oldest child was suffering with the mumps.  This has since been ruled out.

The 41-year-old Canadian stated that both he and his actress wife will be taking time away from their careers to concentrate on their family.



Since the advent of the internet, it’s become increasingly more difficult to maintain a healthy work / life balance.

Firing off emails and updating Google docs outside of office hours has become common practice among many of us, and gives the illusion that we’re keeping on top of things.

But, in reality, this habit is having a detrimental effect on our mental and emotional wellbeing.

According to a study conducted by Colorado State University, Virginia Tech and Lehigh University and authored by Liuba Belkin, tending to emails outside of office hours results in ‘emotional exhaustion’.

And while the sheer number of emails we deal with outside working hours is worrying in itself, researchers have identified a further repercussion of the habit known as ‘anticipatory stress’ – anxiety created by waiting on an email or composing a response to correspondence you have not yet even received.

“Email is notoriously known to be the impediment of the recovery process,” the study states.

"Its accessibility contributes to experience of work overload since it allows employees to engage in work as if they never left the workspace, and at the same time, inhibits their ability to psychologically detach from work-related issues via continuous connectivity.”

By engaging in the practice on a regular basis, the individual is putting their mental health at risk as well as ultimately reducing their work productivity.

“Satisfaction with the balance between work and family domains is important for individual health and wellbeing, while individual inability to successfully balance roles in those domains can lead to anxiety and depression, lowered satisfaction with both work and family roles, absenteeism, decreased job productivity and organisational commitment and greater turnover.”

It’s time to disconnect, ladies.


While Adele recently revealed she would love to give her son Angelo a sibling, it sounds like the much-loved star doesn't intend to rush into it given the struggles she endured following her first pregnancy.

Opening up about her experience of postnatal depression, Adele told Vanity Fair that the months following her son's birth in 2013 have had a lasting impact.

"I had really bad postpartum depression after I had my son and it frightened me," she admitted in the recent interview.

Adele, who turned 28 in May, admitted that her prior knowledge of the condition didn't tally with her experience of it.

"My knowledge of postpartum – or postnatal, as well call it in England – is that you don’t want to be with your child; you’re worried you might hurt your child, you’re worried you weren’t doing a good job."

"But I was obsessed with my child. I felt very inadequate, I felt like I’d made the worst decision of my life… it can come in many different forms," she explained.

Offering an insight into the methods she used to navigate the condition, Adele explained that she allocated a certain time in the week to focus solely on herself.

"Eventually I just said, I’m going to give myself an afternoon a week, just to do whatever the f**k I want without my baby," she said.

"A friend of mine said, ‘Really? Don’t you feel bad?’ I said, I do but not as bad as I’d feel if I didn’t do it," she reasoned.

According to emerging reports, Adele is planning to wed partner of five years Simon Konecki.

Commenting on the union, a source close to the couple said: "They won't make a big song and dance about it, that's not the way either of them are, and you won't see Adele walking around with a huge diamond on her finger flaunting it."

"But they're ready to take the next step and are both very excited about the prospect," they added.


According to a woman who's about to celebrate her 117th birthday, if it's a long life you're after, it's eggs you need to eat.

And according to Victoria Beckham, if it's clear skin you're after, it's salmon you splash out on.

During a recent interview with The Edit, the former Spice Girl revealed that after seeking advice for troublesome skin, she made a change to her daily diet and hasn't looked back since.

"I see a dermatologist in LA, called Dr. Harold Lancer, who is incredible. I've known him for years – he sorted my skin out," she explained.

"I used to have really problematic skin and he said to me, 'You have to eat salmon every single day.'"

Admitting she was a little sceptical, the mum-of-four continued: "I said, 'Really, every day?' And he said, 'Yes; breakfast, lunch or dinner, you have to eat it every single day.'"

Well, by the looks of things, tucking into salmon – which is chock-full of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A and C – has worked a charm on VB's skin.

And if you need us, we'll be in the fish aisle.


When you're facing into your 117th birthday, it's inevitable you will begin to cast your mind back, and perhaps wonder what may have contributed to your remarkably long life.

And it looks like 116-year-old Emma Morano has cracked it.

A native of Italy, Emma puts her upcoming birthday down to her two-a-day egg habit.

Having been diagnosed with anaemia at the age of 20, Emma, who was born in 1899, began including eggs in her daily diet and insists they are responsible for her good health.

“Emma has always eaten very few vegetables, very little fruit. When I met her, she ate three eggs per day, two raw in the morning and then an omelette at noon, and chicken at dinner," her doctor, Carlo Bava, told Agence-France Press.

Still eating two a day, Emma reveals she also includes cookies in her daily plan, but struggles with the latter, saying: "But I do not eat much because I have no teeth."

Emma, who will turn 117 next month, is expecting visitors from all over the world, remarking: "People come. I don’t invite anybody but they come. From America, Switzerland, Austria, Turin, Milan … They come from all over to see me."

BRB – whipping up a quick omelette.


Very few of us jump out of bed bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but there's a massive difference between longing for one extra hour in bed and suffering from genuine sleep-deprivation.

If you're struggling to identify which category you fall under, a professor from the University of Chicago has designed a very simple test which will help you reach a conclusion.


In order to perform Professor Nathaniel Kleitman's Sleep Onset Latency Test on yourself, all you'll need is a spoon and a plate.

According to the experts, the next step is to lie in a darkened room, note the time then clutch the spoon between your fingers while allowing your hand to dangle off the side of the bed above the plate.


The theory behind the test is that when the individual falls asleep, they will drop the spoon on the plate which will alert them to the fact they had drifted off.

According to Professor Kleitman, if the spoon hits the plate within five minutes of lying down, you are severely sleep deprived.


If it takes the spoon ten minutes to hit the plate, experts considering it 'troublesome', but if the spoon and plate don't meet for over 15 minutes, you're in the safe zone.

Good to know…


When it comes to rap, there's no doubting that Drake is definitely the good boy of the scene.

But that doesn't mean the singer doesn't put a foot wrong from time to time as Twitter users are keen to remind the public.

Calling the Canadian star out on his attitude to mental health issues, music fans have accused Rihanna's ex of belittling Kid Cudi who is currently being treated for depression and suicidal ideation.

It seems Kid Cudi fans have been on high alert ever since the star called Drake and Kanye out on their lack of interest, tweeting: "My tweets apply to who they apply. Ye, Drake, whoever. These n*ggas don't gie a f*ck about me. And they aint f*ckin with me."

Taking issue with Drake's lyrics in Two Birds, One Stone which they feel is aimed at Kid Cudi, fans of the Erase Me singer have taken to social media in their droves to slam Drake.

Responding to Drake's lyrics which read: "You stay xanned and perked up so when reality set in you don’t gotta face it", Kid Cudi fans didn't hold back.

"Kid Cudi disses Drake's talent and Drake's only comeback is to insult Cudi's health and not musical abilities…" wrote one.

"Kid Cudi is struggling with depression / is getting help but Drake makes a diss track mocking him for his depression… Drake is trash for that."

"Drake dodges lyrical rappers but disses a depressed suicidal Kid Cudi that's in rehab, Drake is a clown," added another.

Surely Drake is going to have to respond to this backlash? 


Between work, college and relationships, women in their 20s are constantly on the go, and our health and wellbeing definitely pay the price for it.

And while some are pros at reading the signs and tending to their body's needs, model and businesswoman, Pippa O'Connor definitely wasn't one of them… until now.

"I wouldn't have in my 20s. Not in my 20s; not on my radar. Never!" Pippa told us while chatting exclusively with SHEmazing! today.


Happy birthday to you @niamhdoherty #vgorge #vglam #icant

A photo posted by Pippa O'Connor Ormond (@pipsy_pie) on

As ambassador for Sona’s Future Proof Your Health campaignPippa, who suffers from low iron levels, is keen to remind young women how important it is to take care of their health in their youth instead of dismissing the need to protect their future selves.

"You can’t do everything you do and not feel well.  If you’re not feeling well, you’re no good to anyone else,” she said. 

"It’s all about how you feel inside. You need to feel good and strong," she insisted. "We all have such busy lives. It is so important to look after yourself."


And while the uber-popular blogger swears by a healthier approach nowadays, she knows she wasn't as mindful during the height of her modelling career – something she is trying to make up for now.

"I have to feel well. I’m on the go, so it’s really important for me to take my multivitamin because life is busy. Take one with your breakfast, and you’re done.”

Pippa, who recently gave birth to her second child, acknowledges that her past mind-set is by no means unique to her, and is eager for young women to take care of their health now as protection against the future.

"Do it, get in the habit and if you forget, start again.”

You heard her, ladies.
