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Whisper it – beach bod season is officially in the offing. And if the prospect of slipping on last year’s bikini currently fills you with dread, fear not; there’s plenty of time to get in tip-top shape. But rather than slave away in the gym (boring), or limit yourself to meals consisting of lettuce and celery and little else (as if), why not fire-up your metabolism with these five easy tips…

Be a breakfast devotee

We’ve long been told it’s the most important meal of the day – and mammy was right for a reason: kicking off your day nutritiously is vital if you want to stay slim. Opt for the likes eggs on wholemeal toast, porridge made with water or a dairy-free milk (coconut, almond or soya), home-made smoothies, or smoked salmon and grilled tomato.

Don’t skip your caffeine hit

The jury’s long been out on the health benefits of your cuppa. Thankfully for sleepy-heads everywhere, heaps of recent studies say a – moderate – coffee habit definitely does lots more good than bad. It contains riboflavin and potassium, and – even better – it raises your metabolic rate, helping you to burn fat.

Fire up your food

Chillies contain capsaicin which naturally helps to convert the food we eat to heat. Not only that – but chillies reduce your appetite and encourage you to eat less too. If that wasn’t enough, the fieriness adds heaps of flavour to food, meaning you’ll be less likely to resort to unnecessary oils or fats during cooking.

Stay hydrated

Feeling peckish? You might actually be thirsty. That and dehydration slows down your metabolism significantly. Keep it active by drinking 2-3 litres of water daily, with extra brownie points if it’s chilled or iced: your body will be forced to warm up the cold water, burning a few extra calories in the process.

Eat more protein

You might think that green salad and soup is as good as it gets in dietary terms, but without a decent source of protein – think lean meats, eggs, avocados, nuts and fish – you’re not doing your body many favours. Protein helps you maintain lean muscle and keeps you fuller for longer. It also makes your digestive system work harder, fuelling a lightning-quick metabolis


With this nice weather we're having, we all need to be making the most of it. Here are four reasons why going to the beach can benefit your health.

While we have the nice weather, you should make the most of it. Even though the sun can be dangerous, it is vital for the human body. Our bodies need Vitamin D, and while it is in some foods, it is easier and better to get it from sun exposure. We need Vitamin D for stronger bones and healthy skin. All you need is a pair of sunglasses and a cute little bikini, Penney’s lets be havin ya!

Sand is a natural exfoliant. This will get rid of dead skin cells, resulting in soft, rejuvenated skin. There are also nerve endings in your feet that are stimulated when you walk on a beach barefoot. This is why we all love the feeling of walking on a beach barefoot.

Seawater has many benefits. This is due to the various minerals in the water- iodine, magnesium and potassium are examples of these. These can fight infection de-stress you and have anti-ageing effects. Plus, let’s face it, how many of us still hold onto that little bit of childhood hope that we could in fact be a mermaid?

Peace and quiet
There is nothing more relaxing than watching the ocean. Sometimes you just need a relaxing escape. You don’t even need the sunshine for this one, you can’t beat a nice midnight road trip to the beach.

Do you actually need encouraging?


We all know the struggle of trying to do up our jeans after a day of overeating or comfort eating. As the day goes on you become increasingly bloated and you don’t know which foods have caused it, well, we’re here to help.

Here are a few common foods that cause bloating which you may want to cut down on in future if you’re looking to beat the bloat and show off your new pair of high waisted skinnies.

1. Fried foods
The stomach takes longer to break down and digest foods which are high in fat. This results in bloating due to a build-up of gas.

2. Artificial sweeteners
Similarly to fried foods, artificial sweeteners cause a build-up of gas which leads to bloating. This is due to the fact that the stomach cannot digest the artificial sweeteners. These can be found in foods such as sweets and energy bars.

3. Dairy products
You may be lactose-intolerant if you often feel bloated after eating dairy products. Lactose-intolerant means that your body is unable to digest lactose. When it is not digested it is passed to the colon where gas will be produced while trying to finish breaking it down. This causes the dreaded bloat.

4. Salty foods
High sodium foods can result in water retention in the body which causes bloating. The salt is hidden in many of the foods that we eat on a daily basis e.g. processed food, so always read the label. Just because you are not pouring salt on your food, doesn’t mean that you are avoiding it.

5. Some vegetables
It sounds crazy, but some vegetables can actually cause bloating because of the gases that they produce. These include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and onions so look for other vegetables which do not produce as much gas.



If, like us, you're planning on using Daylight Saving Time as a reason to get your burn on after work from now on, then perhaps this video will be your inspiration.

As the evenings start getting brighter for longer, it'll be tough to continue using cold dark nights as an excuse to stay on the couch and ditch your gym class or evening jog, right?

But after losing out on an hours sleep and having a hard few days on some much-deserved vino this weekend, you're probably feeling less than motivated right now.

Well, check out this video put together by Benenden Health which celebrates women getting their burn on since the dawn of the 20th century.

If they can do it in floor-length skirts we can do it in our snazzy work-out gear, right?!


Exercise is all too often associated with losing weight and looking better.

We all know that working out will help us tone up and look good naked, however, there are SO many other reasons to get active and so many other benefits regular exercise will have on your health.

Here are some reasons exercise should be part of your everyday life that have nothing to do with appearance…

1. It relives stress
If you've had a really bad day in work or college, the last thing you might feel like doing is putting those runners on. Which is funny, because it's the one thing you should do – exercise releases endorphins which can help beat stress and leave you feeling refreshed and hopefully with a fresh perspective. 

2. Can't sleep? Exercise will help
If you can't drift off easily, try working out in the morning or afternoon will help you sleep like a baby. However, rigorous exercise before bed can have the opposite effect so why not try some bedtime yoga instead? 

3. Bounds of energy!
Anyone who regularly works out in the morning will tell you that it helps to make your day more productive and helps to fill you with energy – just try it!

4. Walk taller
Things like yoga, pilates and running as well as countless others all draw attention to training your core, thus improving your posture and helping you to remember to always walk tall. 

5. Make your heart strong
Regularly working out will work wonders for your cardiovascular health and makes your heart stronger allowing it to pump more will less effort. With heart disease being Ireland's number one cause of death, we reckon that's a good enough reason to get moving as any!

6. Improve things in the bedroom…
Exercise helps to keep your body healthy and this includes all of those important sexual functions. Plus, you'll have more energy in the bedroom to explore a little – yay!

7. Get happy!
It's well-known now that exercise improves your mood and makes you happy. This occurs when exercise increases levels serotonin in the brain. 

8. Stay regular
If you find yourself feeling bloated, sluggish and/or constipated, exercise is known to help combat these issues. With constipation often (but not always) being a symptom of inactivity, getting regular workouts can keep you regular.


This great Buzzfeed video shows us exactly the different body ideals that women have been subjected to over the years.

From the plumpness of the Renaissance age to the waifness of the ‘90s; it looks like EVERY body type has been in fashion at one stage or another.

We love how the video also channels all of the different styles and make-up of the time! So, if you’re ever feeling self-conscious about being too small, too big, too anything – always remember you are timeless! 


Our busy lifestyles often mean that we are constantly on the go and rarely taking time to consider ourselves anymore. To ensure you can stay on top of life while enjoying it to the full, there are many apps that can help. 

From mood trackers and sleep aids to meditation and exercise, many of us will find at least one of these apps helpful in our life. 

Meditation has been proven time and time again to be beneficial to our health. By taking ten minutes out of our daily routine to concentrate on our breathing, other aspects of our life can become a lot clearer. Headspace teaches you from the start how to meditate and is by your side all the way.

Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock
Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for our mental and physical health. This app analyses not only how long you sleep, but the quality of the sleep you are getting. The app also has an alarm clock that will wake you up with soothing tones, guaranteed to have you hopping out of bed fresh as a daisy!

This app allows you to track your moods as well as develop strategies for anxiety and depression. Optimism then creates graphs and reports that you can share with your doctor or mental health professional.

Yoga can be great for stressed minds and tired bodies. Gentle stretches and deep breathing can be beneficial for your mental and physical health. If a busy schedule means you can’t make it to a yoga class, this great app is for you. With many classes in the app, it’s like having your very own one-on-one yogi!

Think of Evernote like the diary you can bring everywhere. Personal photos, travel documents, reminders, receipts – everything you need in the one place. After all, an organised mind cannot be underestimated! 


 A new and slightly alarming poll has found that men and women wear the same pyjamas for far too many nights in a row.

The research found that on average, men wear the same pyjamas for almost fourteen days, while women wear theirs for seventeen nights before throwing them in the laundry.

Given that we sweat a LOT at night, this finding has alarmed health experts, with Professor Sally Bloomfield from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine saying: “Pyjamas are against your skin. You shed skin cells at a vast rate all the time. They are full of microorganisms. We all have skin and gut organisms that are usually not harmful on our skin and in our gut. But if they get into the wrong place they can cause problems.”

The professor went on to say that due to this, wearing the same pyjamas so often can actually cause quite a lot of nasty infections that we definitely do NOT want, including cystitis and MRSA: “Quite a lot of us carry staphylococcus bacteria, which can cause infections if they get into cuts and bruises. We all carry E Coli bacteria in our bowel. Again, most strains are not harmful. But if they get into the urinary tract they can cause infection. That would cause cystitis (a urinary tract infection). Some people carry MRSA, which is obviously gets very hard to treat, especially with antibiotic resistance." Now that is scary!

So what are women’s excuses for wearing their pyjamas so often? Well, it all comes down to having too many it would seem! More than half of the women asked said that they alternate between a number of pyjamas and so forget which ones haven’t been washed, and which have.

The remaining number of women, 51 per cent said that they don’t wash their pyjamas all that often as they have only worn them for a few hours each night.

We’re sure that after reading these alarming statistics and warning from a health expert we'll all be washing our pyjamas a lot more often! 


Ah January, we meet again. This, ladies, is the time where we all bow our heads and vow to be the best possible versions of ourselves that we can be, right?

In addition to being kinder to old people and looking after our money, we also use January to focus on our health and well-being.

In other words, we nervously tie up our brand new runners, stagger out into the January cold and attempt a few half-hearted laps of the estate and then, let’s be honest here, give up after three days.

Well, no more! If you’re serious about running (or even if you’re not serious, but willing it to give it a go for the laugh) here’s how to do it!

1. Firstly, you will need the right gear because your college hoody just isn’t going to cut it.

Use the sales to pick up some good running shoes, a sports bra and a running top that will keep you warm, but won’t overheat you.

2. Choose a safe route that suits your goals.

Don’t hare off into the middle of a woods which leaves you frightened, deflated, staggering home and vowing never to look at your runners again.

3. Begin with the walk-run method.

Walk for four minutes and run for one minute, then gradually increase your running time so that you’re running more than you’re walking.

4. Move your body in a way that feels natural and focus on your breathing.

While running may feel completely alien to you, it’s important to relax your upper body because being rigid only slows you down and try to land softly so you don’t damage your joints!

5. Stick with it, girls!

Choose your running days and don’t flake on them. The longer you stick with it, the sooner your walk- run method will be a thing of the past and you’ll be officially known as a 'runner'. How cool is that?

It will be difficult at first, but you will improve the more you practise.

Remember, running is a fantastic way to keep fit, stay healthy and hey, with all the spending we did over Christmas our funds just don’t stretch to a gym membership, so get out there and hit those streets!


Earlier this week, Made in Chelsea star Millie Mackintosh shared a picture of herself getting ready for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, thanking her stylists for all their help.

Posing in a flesh-coloured corset and nothing else, the star’s slender frame was hard to miss.

Controversy was soon sparked by the model’s visible “thigh gap,” with comments posted on the picture saying things like, “I think she needs to eat a little more” and “How do you live with yourself knowing you may cause malnutrition in women because they desire to look like you and all of the #vs models? How do any of you???? It's honestly disgusting.”

Millie makes no secret of the fact that her lean frame is down to a lot of hard work in the gym and a clean diet. As well as various underwear shots, the star’s Instagram is also full of posts like this:

There’s no shame in having a slender body shape, especially if you’ve worked hard to be as healthy as possible. What’s scary is the growing trend of young women starving themselves to get similar results.

There is a serious lack of education out there about what it takes to have a healthy and slim body. Things have changed for the better in recent years with the growth of female fitness bloggers like Belfast’s Peanut Butter Girl, but there is still a perception among many that thin is healthy, and that the only way to be healthy is to eat less. The thigh gap trend is a worrying result of this belief that being skinny is the Holy Grail.

Open up any magazine or click into any fashion website and you’re immediately presented with images of stick-thin catwalk models. Some we know – Cara Delevingne, Kendall Jenner and co. – and some we don’t. The running theme is that they all have impossibly slender figures.

While some of their body shapes might simply be genetic – Cara herself has spoken about her own thigh gap, calling it an imperfection – the reality is, they can’t all be.

So let’s stop looking to the high-fashion catwalks for our health and fitness inspiration. Let’s instead focus on more fitness-friendly models like Millie Mackintosh. Yes, her body shape might not be for everyone, but we can all learn from her determination and commitment to staying healthy.

Next time you’re feeling like you need a motivation boost, check out some of the pictures from the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show – they're far more inspiring than anything you'll see at New York Fashion Week.

Slim? Yes. Fit? Yes. Malnourished? No. Something to learn from, surely.


Starting in January, Apple will pay for female employees to freeze their eggs in order to allow them to have children at a later stage.

Though the process will cost up to $20,000 for the company, they spoke of the importance of such a project: “We continue to expand our benefits for women, with a new extended maternity leave policy, along with cryopreservation and egg storage as part of our extensive support for infertility treatments … We also offer an Adoption Assistance program, where Apple reimburse expenses associated with the legal adoption of a child. We want to empower women at Apple to for the best work of their lives as they care for loved ones and raise their families" a spokesperson for Apple said. 

Typically, freezing eggs can be a very expensive endeavour, often costing up to $12,000 with an extra $1,000 per year of storage. Drug fees and the recommended amount of eggs to be frozen can often run this figure even higher making this no small move by either company. 

It has also been reported that Facebook have been offering the service to their female employees since last January. 

It is thought these moves by the Silicon Valley giants will increase the number of women in CEO positions and make the talent pool that bit more competitive. 


The world’s most expensive burger has been unveiled – and it may make you feel slightly ill.

Forget your double quarter pounder with cheese – the $1,768 “Glamburger” is a monstrous piece of culinary art consisting of a 280 gram meat patty, also containing black truffle brie, lobster, beluga caviar, venison and duck egg.

Oh, and we forgot to mention that there’s an edible gold leaf sitting pretty on top.

If the elaborate range of tastes and flavours doesn’t sit well with your palate, then you might want to look away before we reveal just how calorific this concoction is. The Glamburger packs a mighty punch to the gut, clocking in at 2,618 calories.

Suddenly, we’re not feeling so hungry for lunch.

The Glamburger was created by chef Chris Large in collaboration with Groupon, who wanted to do something extra special to mark the sale of their five-millionth food and drink voucher in Britain.

Large has said that he will give the Glamburger away free to the winner of a special competition that is set to run shortly.

Will you be putting your name into the hat?
