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Some people worry more than others, and some people are hypochondriacs. If you do most of the following, chances are you may be on of them…

1. You Have Web MD Bookmarked
You use Web MD for everything. Before Web MD you were probably a normal human being. However since you started using it you have had a mild encounter with Leprosy and Malaria.

2. A Headache is Never Just a Headache
A headache, is at best a migraine. Neither is backache just from carrying all the groceries in at once, it’s kidney problems. 

3. You Will Never Be Seen Caring for a Sick Friend
At the first sign of a cough you are gone in a puff of smoke. They are banned from your house and you proceed to disinfect everything they’ve touched. If only you had the expendable income to burn everything they’ve breathed on.

4. Public Transport is your Mortal Enemy
Buses, trains, planes. They’re all unclean! The thought of holding a railing going up the stairs makes you shiver.

5. If You Do Get Sick You Plot Revenge
If the unlikely does happen and you are plagued with the common cold, you trace your steps to figure out who was the last person that coughed in your presence.

A Plague  On Both Your Houses!!


6. You Want to Cry When Someone Takes a Drink of Your Drink or a Bite of Your Food
We're not talking about a complete stranger. Anyone would be taken aback if that happened. We're talking about a close friend who asks for a bite of your pizza. The idea of sharing food is alien to you.

7. Your Doctor Hates You
Your doctor would love to call in sick himself if he knew you were making an appointment. You’re even a regular at A&E.


8. You are the Most Insensitive Person When it Comes to Other People’s Issues
Other people are the hypochondriacs, not you. Oh no. 


9. You Know Exactly What GMOs, Trans Fats, Tartrazine and Triacetin are
You’re a waiter’s worst nightmare because you strongly believe that every type of food is out there to kill you.

10. Having a Friend Studying Nursing or Medicine Is The Best Thing To Ever Happen to You
You have no qualms about ringing them in the middle of the night because you’re not sure if you just slept on your arm funny or if it’s the early signs of a stroke.

11. You Carry A Mini Pharmacy Everywhere You Go
You are prepared for all scenarios. Headache, sinus, feeling bloated, feeling constipated, allergy medication, plasters, antiseptic. Of course you still need immediate medical advice too.

12. Hand Sanitizer is your Best Friend
Literally, everywhere you go, it comes with you. 

13. Handshakes Make You Squirm
This is where your bestie comes in. You try at all costs to avoid people’s filthy, germ riddled hands

14. You Know the Exact Routine of Your Bowel Movements
Any irregularity has you typing into Web MD once again.  

15. Public Bathrooms
Instead of seeing a place to relieve yourself, all you see is a pool of germs, bacteria and life altering diseases. The thoughts of using one sends you into a panic attack.

16. You Despise Handryers
Normal people don’t understand this. But you know all this machine does is make all those germs airborn. Shouldn’t have even bothered washing your hands in the first place.


17. You Have A 3-Strike Rule
Because going to the doctor is expensive you’ve developed a system. If you have two of either nausea, fatigue or a headache, you can go to the doctor.

18. You Wish You Could Just Get Your Appendix Out
You know it’s a ticking time bomb that must be stopped.

19. You’re Obsessed with Medical TV Shows
Whether it’s real or fiction,you are obsessed with these shows. You feel they give you the necessary qualifications to be able to self diagnose yourself and question your doctor’s qualifications.

via our content partner CT


Experts have warned about how the 5:2 diet may make you live longer, but it could also leave you more susceptible to infection.

The diet, which involves eating next to nothing for two days during the week is said to lower blood pressure, but scientists from the University of Bath have been testing on fruit flies over the last year, and they’ve found that the diet can lead to a 20% increase in infections.

The leader of the study Dr Nick Priest, a lecturer in biology and biochemistry said:

“We know that certain stresses such as starvation or exposure to pathogens can extend life and increase fertility, but we have found that ironically this has a trade-off in terms of immune function.

“Our findings are not all that surprising. We have known for decades that starved mice are more likely to succumb to serious infections.”

“But, there has been a lot more interest in the short term benefits than potential long-term costs.”

“There are clear health benefits to diets such as the 5:2 regime, but we need to bear in mind there are side effects.

“It shows that even the fountain of youth should come with a warning label.”


New research has shown that while people who are overweight are more likely to get heart disease, the risk of them actually dying from it, is lower than people who are underweight.

Dr Abhishek Sharma, of the State University of New York, carried out the research where he analysed 36 previous studies involving thousands of patients with coronary artery disease. He found that the death rate in those with a high BMI (over 30) were up to 27% lower, than those with a normal BMI.

Dr Sharma said: “At this stage, we can only speculate on the reasons for this paradox.

“One explanation may be that overweight patients are more likely to be prescribed cardio-protective medications such as beta blockers and statins and in higher doses than the normal weight population.”

He added: “Obese and overweight patients have been found to have large coronary vessel damage, which might contribute to more favourable outcomes [than those who have smaller damaged vessels].”

However, before you ring the Chinese and order everything on the menu, Dr. Sharma warned: “The findings in these studies should not be considered as an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the anti-obesity campaign in the best interest of public health.”


Going around without having brushed your teeth is an awful feeling, but is it bad enough to resort to using someone else’s toothbrush – particularly your other half’s as you’ve been kissing them anyway?

Here at SHEmazing we’re kind of split – is it better to use his toothbrush than to not brush at all?

Well, if you’re ever facing this dilemma again, perhaps take a look at what happens when you use someone else’s toothbrush. We trust you to make the right decision (i.e. just use your finger).

The Chicago Dental Society says that kids who use their siblings’ toothbrushes, are more likely to develop an infection that can lead to holes in their teeth and tooth decay. We imagine it’s the same if you’re using your boyfriend’s toothbrush. Also, apparently one of the most common bacteria’s found on a toothbrush is beta-hemolytic streptococcus, which causes strep throat – and you don’t want that. Mutant strains of streptococcus are known to cause decay aswell. Lovely.

Blood stream diseases
Dentists have warned that since sometimes your gums may bleed while brushing your teeth, sharing a toothbrush can transfer bloodstream diseases such as hepatitis – now THAT is kind of scary.


Cheska Hull has revealed her secrets to staying fit and trim. 

The Made in Chelsea star recently dropped a dress size and gave some tips to OK! on how she stays in shape: "My ultimate diet tip would be to always drink tons of water – I think people forget that, but it does a great job of flushing everything out. I'm also making an effort to eat less carbs, more vegetables and snack on things like avocados and nuts instead of having a packet of crisps and an ice-cream."

Well, Cheska's tips have certainly worked for her – she looks amazing! Those Chelsea gals sure know how to look good! 


Many food trends have come and gone, but Bulletproof coffee looks like it might be here to stay.

The idea sounds disgusting and even dangerous, but many health addicts swears it gives you the much needed energy boost to help get you through the day.

The butter and coffee mix apparently provides your brain and body with the healthy fats that are apparently missing from our diets.

So as well as giving you energy, Bulletproof coffee will help to also increase cognitive function that you can literally feel when it kicks in for about six hours- and without the crash.

Not only has it been proven to help give you a much needed kick for your day, but it can also help with weight loss. Drinking it each morning puts your body in the routine to burn fat all day, helping you trim down overall.

So what do you need to do? Well, it’s simple really – just add two tablespoons to your coffee and there’s your perfect breakfast alternative.

We doubt it tastes nice, but if it does this and more, it’s worth a try?



Many women go to great lengths in order to achieve perfection for their wedding day.

Lauren Conrad, on the other hand, seems to be taking it easy and isn’t allowing the pressure of her big day to get on top of her.

The former star of The Hills, who is set to walk up the aisle to fiancé, William Tell, spoke to People magazine about her fitness regime: “I’m not a huge fan of the gym to be honest. When I have to go to the gym and put an hour in, I’m just staring at the clock. I just like getting out, like going on a hike, going on the kayaks, going for a run on the beach.”

Lauren also opened up about treating your body right, and how she achieves body confidence: “I really love food. I’m not good at dieting. I try to make smart choices but just eat a little bit less. I am all for body confidence, but I am even more for living a healthy lifestyle. Treat your body right, exercise, eat healthy and then feeling confident in your bikini.”

Wow – we love this woman’s healthy outlook on getting fit and keeping healthy. So positive!


A new and improved vibrator has been designed that could save your life. The sex toy has an in built camera that you can use to perform health checks. Perhaps not at the same time though, that’d be kind of a mood killer.

The idea is that if you become familiar with what is normal for you, you’ll notice when something is up. It’s not a bad idea considering a lot of women are too embarrassed to go to the doctor with intimate problems.

It’s called Gaga (not the lady), and it’s the first of its kind. It costs $180 – is it time to crack open the piggy bank?


How would you feel about birth control in the form of an implant in your abdomen, bum or bicep that is controlled by a wireless remote control?

Yeah, we’re a bit sceptical too.

Pre-clinical trials are starting next year in America for this new contraceptive, that has yet to be named. They’re aiming to have it on the market by 2018.

It’s kind of like a IUD, only it doesn’t go into your cervix, so this means it can last up to 16 years. The implant will dispense 30 micrograms of levonorgestrel daily , and if you decide you want to have a baby, you can just turn it off with the click of a button.

Does this sound good to you?


Beer lovers rejoice, there is no need to feel guilty if you have the occasional pint anymore – there are apparent benefits to sipping on the good stuff every now and then.

New research has shown that drinking the occasional pint can actually protect against Alzheimer’s disease, aid weight loss and reduce heart disease.

Dr Stephen Domenig, medical director of The Original F.X Mayr Health Centre in Austria told the MailOnline that beer contains many “super-nutrients” including “all of the essential – and many of the non-essential – amino acids.”

However, if it’s health benefits you are after when enjoying a quiet pint, you need to stick to the dark stuff like Guinness as they have the most antioxidants compared to lighter beers – not sure if we’ll be able to give up our Coors Light in favour of a pint of Guinness, though.

However, regular drinking can counteract these benefits so remember to drink responsibly.


This model’s bikini snap has gone viral – and it’s not hard to see why.

Bethany Townsend did not expect the reaction she received when she posted a photo of herself in a bikini on her Facebook page recently.

Instead of hiding her colostomy bags from the photo, Bethany included them, and has received over 195,000 likes for doing so.

Bethany has suffered from Crohn’s Disease since she was three-years-old, a condition that causes chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Due to multiple surgeries, Bethany is now fitted with a colostomy bag and decided to give up her modelling career as a result of this – until now that is.

Bethany sent this photo of herself lying out in a bikini to Crohn’s and Colitis UK, who uploaded the image to their Facebook page, where it has quickly gone viral.

The model said that she is delighted that she has been able to inspire so many others suffering from the same illness: “If I can help or inspire other people in my position to feel a little more comfortable in their own skin then I’m really happy.”

What an amazing woman, well done, Bethany!



Though it may not always feel like it, sharing a bed with your partner is actually good for you. Scientists have found that while the practicalities may cause some disruption (blanket stealing, snoring, sleep talking), the psychological benefits of sharing a bed outweigh the physical disadvantages.

According to the psychologists, shared sleep promotes feelings of safety and security.

Still, it’s nice to not wake up in the middle of the night with no blankets

Here are some tips on how to get a good night’s sleep, both physically AND psychologically:

Have your own blankets
That way you can roll over as much as you like without pulling the blanket off your other half.

If one of you goes to bed later than the other, change in a different room
As quiet as you might try and be, it’s never enough.

Get a big bed
More space, less elbows in the eye.

Invest in some sort of anti-snoring device
Your other half will love you even more for it
