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Cats and dogs have been, for a long time, man’s companions, pets, a part of your family. But with the new technology wave spreading nowadays, the digital era brings a new type of invention, a new type of ‘pets’: robot pets.

Robot pets – What are they.

An artificial intelligence, AI for short, inside a machine, a robot pet is, as the name implies, a robot designed in the shape and size of a common pet: dog, cat or even bird. Made to be similar in attitude and behaviour with a real animal, robot pets are used to help elderly people that, for various reasons, cannot keep a pet.

The robots are supposed to help with dark emotions, like depression, to keep the elderly active, maintaining their wish to live, fresh. But with the creation of such robot pets, comes the question everyone asks at the end. Can robot pets really replace real dogs and cats? The answer is simple: it depends on the individual.

There are numerous benefits when it comes to owning a robot pet:

Helps with several mental illnesses

Several mental illnesses, like depression or dementia, are, in the long run, hard to cure. By using robotic pets, there has been an increase in relaxation and lack of stress in the elderly people diagnosed with such illnesses.

They not only respond better to the caretakers, but they also are more active, more sociable, engaging in discussions and interaction with other fellow patients. The pets provide the necessary emotional support for the patient to take a step forward in a positive way.

Does not bring additional costs aside its acquisition

Once you buy the robotic pet, there are no other future costs. It will not require medicine, treatment, food or water to survive. With several types of robotic pets already on display, there are sure to be some affordable robot dogs or cats you can ‘adopt’ and bring into your family.

Is ideal for those who suffer from allergies, as it does not shed

Allergies are not something you can control fully. Some people are born that way; some acquire allergies in their lifetime.

Those who are allergic to animal fur, but still wish to have a pet, can now have their dream come true. They do not need to compromise anymore, as the robotic pets do not shed and have no real fur.

According to what model of robot you choose, they might have a synthetic coat over their mechanical body that imitates the way real fur looks like, on the one hand. On the other hand, if you prefer a more mechanical look to it, you can choose one that will satisfy your taste.

Does not need cleaning

As they do not eat and drink, they do not defecate. So you do not have to take them outside for them to do their business, nor do you need to clean after them while indoors.

They will not misbehave

Everyone who owns a real pet, be it dog or cat, has come face to face with the situation in which the pet misbehaved.

A friend came to visit you and your dog jumped up and down, barked and tried to bite your friend? Did your cat act aggressively, trying to scratch the one who wanted to pet it?

With the robot pets such misbehaviour does not exist. They are programmed to recognise you as their owner no matter what, their expressions and actions already installed in their memory. Or, if you are good at computers, you can also download and instal several other tricks for your robotic friend to perform.

In contrast to the benefits a robotic pet can have, there are a series of downsides that, for many, are just a deal breaker.

However, there are also undeniably drawbacks in terms of owning a robot pet:

It only has a limited set of actions and cannot respond to you directly

They already have programmed in their memory what type of actions trigger what effect. For example, a cat will only purr if you pet it on the back, while a dog will wag its tail only if you pet it on the head. If you do any other type of action and expect the robots to either purr or wag their tail, you are going be disappointed as they will not do anything.

It may break down unexpectedly

You never know when it might break down. Some products do need to recharge their ‘energy’, but others may use a more advanced and complex system that does not require batteries or recharging. If one of such products breaks down, the only way to repair it might be to send it back to its producer and have it replaced with a new one.

No walk

Robot pets do not need to be taken out for a walk. And while this might seem attractive at first, on the long run it is a major drawback. Walking your dog is highly beneficial to both yours and your dog’s health. You get to exercise, you have a way to meet new people, and you relax and avoid over-stressing while the dog gets his energy level down a notch while doing its ‘doggy business’. But with robotic pets, your healthy lifestyle might suffer.

Does not provide the emotional achievement of training or interacting with a real pet

Pets, no matter what type, have their own way to show their affection, to communicate and interact with you. Moreover, when you finally manage to train your dog or you receive your cat’s affection, you get a feeling of fulfilment, of serenity, of achievement.

When robot pets are concerned, there is no such feeling. They are already programmed to do certain things and to offer you their ‘unconditional love’. But at the end of the day, robots do not have feelings, and they cannot compensate for yours.

No emotions

A pet will feel sad when you leave it alone for too long and will be a cute, furry joy-ball when it sees you. There is no dog that will not wag its tail as soon as it sees its owner. It will do anything in its power to grab your attention in order to receive a few affectionate words or a pat on the head.

A robot pet, however, is another story. If left alone it will enter a standby state, in which it will try to imitate ‘sleep’. It might fall under the ‘cute’ category at first, but as the time passes, you might feel the need to be ‘asked’ for attention by your pet.

A robot is not capable of doing so while putting feelings and emotions into the act itself. Sure, it might emit certain sounds and noises to get your attention because its battery is running out, but it will never behave like a true, real, animal.

In conclusion, despite being a new trend, and despite having their own benefits, robot pets still have a very long road ahead before there is any chance for them to replace a breathing, loving cat or dog.


With winter quickly approaching, most families dread the onset of seasonal ills. From contracting the common cold to coming down with a serious case of the flu, there is nothing as frustrating as a blocked nose and a sore, scratchy throat when you’re trying to sleep during a long cold night.

Why does the air become so dry in the winter? When the cold winter weather sets in, we tend to crank up our heating system which causes overly dry indoor air. While your heater increases the temperature in your home, there is no moisture added to the air. As a result, the relative humidity drops considerably.

If you haven’t thought about the benefits of using a humidifier, here are five reasons why you should consider humidifying your household when the cold winter weather sets in.


1. Reduction in the Spread of Viruses

Unlike those old wives’ tales, there is research behind why you should keep your air moist. There was a time when doctors would suggest leaving windows open for those suffering from colds and flu. Although they didn’t have the science yet to prove it, we now know that influenza viruses hate moist air and are less likely to spread throughout the household if you use a humidifier. No, you don’t need to open a window to let the snow in, get a humidifier!

2. Relief from Sinusitis

While you may not come down with a cold or flu—sore, dry noses are prevalent in winter months. Most households are heated with dry heat and, as a result, many people suffer from what is called sinusitis. It’s simply an inflammation of the sinuses, but you can find a great deal of relief from a humidifier.

3. Hydrates Dry Skin

The same dry heat that causes an inflammation of the sinuses can create havoc on your skin. If you find that you suffer from dry skin, humidifying your household can bring you relief. Some people have reported that they can even cut back on the amount of moisturizer they apply during the winter because the moist air in their homes helps to protect their skin.

4. A Better Night’s Rest

As silly as this might sound, humidifiers can offer the benefit of improved sleep, especially if your partner is known for those loud snores that keep you from drifting off. Considering that humidifiers keep the air moist and moisture keeps the nasal passages clear, a humidifier just might offer the relief you are looking for.

5. Promotes Faster Healing

A humidifier can help reduce the symptoms of a common cold, influenza or even allergies.A humidifier keeps your nasal passages clear which helps speed up the healing process if you’re feeling under the weather. For people with bad allergies, there are even humidifiers which can help purify the air.

When all is said and done, keeping the home humidified in the winter months can truly be beneficial to your health. However, if you don't want to spend the money on a humidifier and would like to use natural solutions to combat dry air this winter, try these alternative ways to increase humidity at home.

Keep in mind, if you’re struggling to fight the dry air in your home, it is vital not to overuse your heating system, especially when a simple jumper may suffice. It will obviously take intervention on your part, but these are five very important reasons to use a humidifier during those long, cold winter months.


The power of protein is everywhere.

Traditionally, the magic amino acid was used by bodybuilders and fitness junkies.

However, in recent times it has become the answer to all our problems – appetite unsatisfiable? – protein. Want to lose weight? – protein. Want to keep your hair, skin, and nails looking on point? – protein…the list goes on.

In fact, we are so obsessed with it, there are 21.6 million posts on Instagram about it – and naturally, businesses have seized the chance to cash-in on this market.


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And we LOVE it, as 43 percent of Brits have confessed to buying some form of  'protein' marketed product in the past.

18 to 24-year-olds are those of us most likely to gorge on the protein-enhanced foods. 

Our supermarkets are now a haven for protein products screaming at us that they contain a ridiculous amount of the holy nutrient, from bagels to bars to bread. 

But you better believe that you'll be paying a pretty penny for these foods.


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However, are we being scammed into forking over more money for the added protein, compared to generic forms of the same foods?

Well, the good people from Wren Kitchens went to investigate and their results might surprise you.

In a new Behind the Label study, they analysed how much more protein you’re really getting (if any) for the premium price you’re paying.

Kicking it off, we look at nuts – a popular brand of nuts has a "protein mix" in their range and boasts 20 g of the magic nutrient for 100 grams, but it'll set you back £2.25 for that amount.

Whereas a supermarket equivalent was 63 p for 100 grams of nuts, that had 19.3 g of protein.

Moving to granola, for 100 grams a popular brand slapped some more protein into your brekkie bowl  – 13 grams to be exact, which cost you 63 p.

However, you could have gotten 10.3 grams of protein for the same amount for 20 p by going with a non-protein branded granola.

Not forgetting the yoghurts: the two protein yoghurts which had 10g and 11.1g of protein labelled on their packaging for 100 grams would cost you 55 p or £1.08 respectively.

This is compared to a non-branded protein yoghurt which would set you back 50p per 100g – but it contains 10g protein.

And of course, we can't leave out our carb mates; the bagels. 

When you get your hands on a protein bagel, each one will cost you 35 p and will have a decent 8.5 g of the amino acid.

Nevertheless, the non-protein bagel reigned carb-champ – with 9.8 grams of protein at just 24 p per rounded goodness.

But perhaps we are overdoing the trend, as the latest National Diet and Nutrition Survey found that the average UK adult consumes up to 55 percent more protein than they actually need.

The UK Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) recommends we consume 0.75g for each kg of weight, which, based on average weights, which roughly translates into 55g for the lads and 45g for the ladies.

Expert nutritionist Charlotte Stirling-Reed explains: "Protein is an essential macronutrient especially important for the growth, development, and maintenance of bones and muscles in the body."

"Most of us get more than enough protein in our everyday diet, and so it's not something that we need to think about supplementing too often. However, for some, such as athletes, those training intensely, or very active individuals they may have extra requirements for protein to support muscle growth and repair."

"To put it simply, unless advised by a medical professional, you don't need to be eating protein-specific products. If you find them to be a convenient way to top up your intake or to help you spread your protein intake across the day, there is no real problem with using them. However, it's important to remember you can get all the protein you need from everyday foods."

So before you reach for the product that promises you heaps of protein – ask yourself two questions.

Do you really need that much protein? And can you find a cheaper alternative that has similar protein levels for a quarter of the price?

And remember – Pop-eye built his muscle on spinach.



It's that time of year again – Budget day is upon us.

Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe announced the 2019 Budget today in the Dail amidst rumours of new tax cuts and spending increases.

He opened with, ''we will protect the most vulnerable in our society.'' 

So here are the main points of information from the Budget about how it will affect you.  


Expenditure on capital next year will be €7.3million with the Minister saying, “I am allocating an additional €1.4 billion for schools, universities, public transport, and other important infrastructure projects in 2019, bringing total expenditure on capital next year to €7.3 billion.”

Its good news for workers as the Universal Social Charge is set to be lowered by 0.25 percent (meaning roughly an extra fiver a week) and threshold which people hit the higher tax band, 40 percent rate of income tax, will rise by €750 from €34,550.

As well as that, the threshold at which people hit the lower 2 percent rate of USC, (incomes between 12,000 and 19,000) will be widened by €500, taking into account the 25 cent increase in the minimum wage. Home carers tax credit is increasing by €300 and the earned income tax credit for the self-employed is up €200.


“I am announcing a further increase of €1.05 billion in Health funding for 2019. This brings the health budget to €17 billion. This is the highest level of Health investment in the history of the State.”

Patients under the Drugs Payments Scheme will be happy to hear that the monthly cut-off charge on medicine is reduced to €130 from the current level of €134.

Prescription drug charges reduction from €2 to €1.50 for medical card holders.


The housing crisis has also been looked at, with €2.3billion has been allocated to the housing programme in 2019, with an extra €150 million will be allocated for the housing assistance payment. There will be €1.25billion for 10,000 new social homes in 2019. 

He said, ''more new homes will be provided this year than any year in the past decade''

Thresholds for affordable housing applicants set at €50,000 for single applicants and €75,000 for dual applicants.

Social Life

Cigarettes have gone up an extra 50 cent while booze prices remain the same. 


We are a nation of tea drinkers.

In fact, we are mad for the stuff; a Euromonitor study found that Ireland is one of the biggest per capita consumers of tea in the world.

Ranked in at second to consume most of the sweet liquid, we were only pipped to the top spot by Turkey.

However, what if we told you, you can have your tea and reap incredible health benefits? – Sounds too good to be true, right?


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Well, you're mistaken – introducing Chi Fit Tea.

Now before you go saying green tea is too bitter, these Dublin master blenders have tailored this new tea to the taste buds of the Irish.

Spending months in their kitchen, the creators of the Chi Fit Tea only unleashed this beast when they felt the recipe was perfection.  

So, what are the benefits?​​​​​​

Each cup is enriched with energy-boosting, anti-inflammatory, relaxing and antioxidant properties – to name a few.

But what exactly does that mean for your body?

Well it's ideal for gym bunnies who want a boost before hitting a workout, or shift workers who need a bit of a pick-me-up during the day.

Additionally, if your schedule has you going like the clappers and you need some extra fuel – this tea was made for you.

And we can't forget those health gurus among us – this tea will help relax the body and get everything back on track.


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The tea stands out from the competition as it is crafted using 10 specialised ingredients. 

The Chi Fit Tea experts selected the ingredients from Yunnan, China. – And they know a thing or two about good tea, as the city is the oldest tea region in the country.

Chi Fit Tea actually use whole and loose leaf tea to pack in that minty, refreshing flavour. 

And as you sip your tea, you'll get beautiful notes of rose petal, hibiscus, and lotus leaf.

If you've ever been interested in giving energy teas a try, this tea is an excellent place to start.

The attention to detail when it comes to ensuring your brew tastes great, means you really can't go wrong. 


Scientists have found a solution to sleepless, anxiety ridden nights. A new study revealed that yoga music has a positive impact on our mood and can help reduce the symptoms of anxiety.

There have been many nights where we spend hours tossing, turning and wishing we could just doze off peacefully.

As time whizzes by we become increasingly aware of how little sleep we’re going to get which makes us feel even more anxious.

149 people took part in the study. The participants listened to three types of music before going to bed. Firstly they listened to soothing yoga music. Secondly, they listened to pop music with steady beats and during the final session they didn’t listen to anything.

The group revealed that they felt more uplifted and at ease after listening to the yoga music. The study also found that their anxiety levels were lower too.

Speaking of the impact music has on the mind and body, study author Dr Naresh Sen explained that music has a positive impact on your heart rate

Listening to soothing music before bedtime is a cheap and easy-to-implement therapy that cannot cause harm,” he said.

Due to the small number of participants in this study, he said they want to further their research: “This is a small study, and more research is needed on the cardiovascular effects of music interventions offered by a trained music therapist."

He added: “Science may have not always agreed, but Indians have long believed in the power of various therapies other than medicines as a mode of treatment for ailments.”

We’ll certainly try out this technique to help us get a good night’s rest.


It seems we are fond of our drink.

Our cheeky glass of wine or night out with the gals have earned us a reputation of drinking more daily, than our male counterparts on an international scale.

A study conducted by the University of Washington, says Irish women are consuming three alcoholic beverages a day. 

Whereas the lads aren't so thirsty – having around four and a half drinks a day.

In fact, Irish men don't even make it into the top ten for male drinking on a global scale.

However, we are now seventh in the world for our daily consumption of alcohol.- Opps.

The Global Burden of Diseases study was completed by the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), warns us to watch our wine.

The study said our habit of having a cheeky glass of wine could be very deceptive.

Unbeknownst to women, instead of having one measure we could actually be pouring ourselves three measures in one glass of wine. 

The scientists compiled figures from 694 data sources and 592 studies to gather information on 195 countries from 1990 to 2016.

The countries with the biggest death rates associated to alcohol among 15 to 49-year-olds in 2016, were Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, Mongolia, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Lesotho, Burundi, and the Central African Republic.

Kuwait, Iran, Palestine, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, the Maldives and Singapore had the lowest rates of death in the same year.

According to their findings which was published in the Lancet journal, even one daily drink could potentially increase the chances of contracting 23 alcohol-related health problems.

Alcohol use is a leading risk factor for disease burden worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 percent of global deaths among populations aged 15–49 years, says the study.

In 2016, 2.8 million deaths were attributed to alcohol use and it was ranked as the seventh leading risk factor for premature death and disability, according to the report.

“The health risks associated with alcohol are massive,” said Dr Emmanuela Gakidou of the IHME and the senior author of the study.

“Our findings are consistent with other recent research, which found clear and convincing correlations between drinking and premature death, cancer, and cardiovascular problems.

"Zero alcohol consumption minimises the overall risk of health loss.”

Currently, most alcohol guidelines says there are health benefits associated with consuming up to two drinks per day. 

However, the researchers insist that their findings show that the safest level of drinking is none.  

“There is a compelling and urgent need to overhaul policies to encourage either lowering people’s levels of alcohol consumption or abstaining entirely,” she said.

“The myth that one or two drinks a day are good for you is just that – a myth. This study shatters that myth.”

Kiss goodbye to the naggins, shoulders and bottles of wine.

If this study is to be heeded: It's time we clean up our act or it could lead us to some serious health problems.

And to make matters worse: the weekend is only hours away.



If this study is anything to go by, we seriously need to have a long, hard look at the issue of consent in Ireland.

Shockingly, an NUI Galway study found that the majority of third-level students do not think 28 standard drinks makes a person too intoxicated to give sexual consent. 

The researchers gave 753 online participates two different scenarios which involved drink and being able to give consent to do the deed. 

So here's how the survey worked:

The online respondents were given the same story of two students of Neil and Carol.

They go home together after a night out on the town to celebrate exam results.

However, those who completed the survey were split into two groups: one was given a "moderate" drinking level and the other was a "heavy" drinking consumption.

For clarity's sake as our opinion will majorly vary on what "moderate" and "heavy" consumption of alcohol is –  we will called in the experts.

Drinkaware.ie states that 28 standard units adds up to around 12 pints of beer at four percent alcohol or 700ml of spirits at 40 percent.

Carol and Neil's story starts off with them bumping into each other at a night club where they're both celebrating exam results from their college course.

"By midnight Neil had had the equivalent of about 5 (10) pints of beer, when he bumped into Carol, also 21, who is in one of his classes at college. She had also been out celebrating with her friends since the early afternoon.

“She had been drinking vodka (the equivalent of 4 pints (8 pints) of beer altogether). They started talking at the bar. Neil bought Carol a drink."

It continues with Neil knowing that Carol lives in the same student accommodation, so offers to share a taxi with Carol at the end of the night.

In the club, things begin to heat-up between the pair.

"Neil started kissing Carol and touching her. She moved his hands lower on her body."

The story finished with: “They took a break and had one more drink (three rounds of drinks) before the nightclub ended. In the taxi on the way home at 3 am Carol closed her eyes and dozed off for a few minutes. When they got to Carol’s apartment, Neil woke Carol up and they went into his flat. He made her tea and put on some music. They were having a good time laughing and joking together.

“He took out a bottle of whiskey and they each had one shot (a few generous shots). Both at this stage were a bit unsteady (and slurring their words), they talked for another while and shared a bottle of Coke (Neil spilled the tea all over the table and Carol nearly fell off her chair getting up to go to the bathroom). Then they went to his couch and started kissing again.

“Soon they had each removed their clothes. Through his actions, Neil made it clear he wanted to have sex with Carol. She asked him to put on a condom first. He did so and they had sex,” it concluded.

The results have somewhat floored us.

Twenty percent of respondents in the moderate drinking group "agreed" or "strongly agreed" that Carol was too drunk to give her consent to sex, while 14 percent thought Neil was too drunk to give his.

In comparison, to the heavy drinking participates, 33 percent thought Carol was too drunk and 30 percent thought Neil was too.

Furthermore, in their evaluation of the results, the report said: “Even when 28 standard drinks were consumed, 67 percent of students did not agree that Carol was too drunk to give consent, and 70 percent of students did not see Neil as unable to give consent.”

The study also highlighted that student's opinions, more often than not, didn't differentiate between "moderate" and "heavy" in alcohol intake, despite the stories varying. 

"These findings suggest that it is urgent to achieve enhanced awareness among young adults in college of the impact of drinking on the capacity to give consent," said the report.

Dr Pádraig MacNeela at NUI Galway said in relation to the results:

“The survey findings show that the social environment in which consent takes place among college students is often unsupportive – most women experience harassment, a large majority of all students are dissatisfied with their sexual health education at school, and social norms for drinking minimise the true impact of alcohol on the capacity to give consent.”

The study was conducted as part of a SMART consent research report which is run in NUI Galway

If you want more information surrounding the work they do and consent, please click here.

The report was published on Tuesday by Minister of State for Education and Skills, Mary Mitchell O’Connor.

Sexual consent has been a hot topic in Ireland over the last year and this study has given us a lot to mull over.

It's crucial that you arm yourself with the right information surrounding what is consensual and what isn't.

Remember: Safe, protected and consensual sex is always the sexiest. 


Demi Lovato has always been open and honest about her struggle with addiction.

Recently, the singer was hospitalised with a suspected overdose.

The 25-year-old was found unconscious at her home in the Hollywood Hills at 11 am on Tuesday, July 24.

In true Demi style, the singer has penned a candid letter, bravely opening up about her latest battle with addiction.


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In light of the event, Demi took to Instagram to share her first statement since the incident. 

The superstar began the letter about the realities of fighting the illness, that there is no simple fix to make it vanish.

"I have always been transparent about my journey with addiction. What I've learned is that this illness is not something that disappears or fades with time. It is something I must continue to overcome and have not done yet."


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Demi went on to "thank God" that she's alive and well, whilst extending her thanks to all her fans who have offered endless support and love over the last week.

"Your positive thoughts and prayers have helped me navigate through this difficult time," she added.


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The singer soon turned her attention to those closest to her and the staff, who she reckons without she wouldn't "be here writing this letter."

Understandably, Demi finished the statement by explaining that her focus will now be on getting better and she is looking forward to the future with the possibility of being 'on the other side.'  

"I now need time to heal and focus on my sobriety and road to recovery. The love you have all shown me will never be forgotten and I look forward to the day where I can say I came out on the other side."

"I will keep fighting," she added.


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Her transparency around her battle with addiction is truly admirable.

Demi's bravery and strength are shown throughout the letter and we are sure this attitude will help her on the road to recovery. 

We are wishing her a speedy recovery and hope to see her fighting fit once again. 


If you're looking for a reason to give up the cigarettes, this might be the sign you've been looking for.

Lung cancer mortalities in women will increase by 2030 warns a study conducted by the journal, Cancer research.

The prediction estimates that death rates among the female population will rise by almost half within the time frame.

This means that from 2015 to 2030, the disease affecting women in 52 countries will jump by 43 percent, claims the study.

Europe and the Oceania which includes countries such as New Zealand and Australia should pay particular attention to the research, as it indicates women in these nations are most likely to have the highest death rates from the deadly disease. 

Although Asia and America aren't far behind us, according to the data

"Different timelines have been observed in the tobacco epidemic across the globe,” said Dr Jose Martinez-Sanchez, the study’s lead author and an epidemiologist from UIC Barcelona.

“This is because it was socially acceptable for women to smoke in the European and Oceanic countries included in our study many years before this habit was commonplace in America and Asia, which reflects why we are seeing higher lung cancer mortality rates in these countries.”

The doctor drew a comparison between breast and lung cancer.

Doctor Martínez-Sánchez warned the majority of developed countries will be the "first to witness" lung cancer mortality rates surpass that of breast cancer. 

"While we have made great strides in reducing breast cancer mortality globally, lung cancer mortality rates among women are on the rise worldwide," said Martínez-Sánchez.

"If we do not implement measures to reduce smoking behaviours in this population, lung cancer mortality will continue to increase throughout the world."

However, the reality might be closer than we think as their study suggests in 26 countries of the 52 they reviewed, lung cancer rates are already higher than that of breast cancer.

In order to carry out their research, the group analysed the World Health Organisation records of breast and female lung cancer mortalities between 2008 to 2014. 

The team did encounter some restrictions to their work as Africa could not be included due to insufficient information being available. 

Additionally, the research could not account for changes in lifestyle from conventional cigarettes to electronic cigarettes, which could impact trends.

Future screening technology and therapeutics may also lower mortality rates, said the doctor. 

Either way, whether you're a social or chain smoker – you may want to give up for good if this study is anything to go by. 


Turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties have been lauded by health specialists for decades and it's been on the trendy food list for a few years now. 

A member of the ginger family, the yellow spice is high in antioxidants. Used as a staple spice and medicinal herb in India for centuries, its benefits include mood balancing and boosting your body's ability to heal, as well as stabilising blood sugar, preventing ulcers, and optimising good and bad cholesterol. 

Thankfully, you can easily introduce this superfood into your diet (even if you are not ready to drop that morning coffee for an Instagram-friendly golden milk!). 

1. Curry

Let’s start with the more obvious. Turmeric is the spice that gives the deep yellow colour to Indian curries. Add a teaspoon of turmeric to some fresh ginger, garlic, onion, mustard seeds, and cumin and you have a nice spice base to make the most delicious fish, meat, or vegetarian curries. 

2. Porridge

Don’t be scared, you morning brekkie won’t end up tasting like the curry you had for dinner. Add ½ a teaspoon of turmeric to 3 heaped tablespoons of oats, 1 tsp of cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of chia seeds, a few raisins and a cup of almond milk for the most delicious and healthiest porridge ever. Top with a dollop of almond butter and you are in heaven.

3. Soup

Turmeric goes particularly well with pumpkin, butternut squash, carrot, potato, and/or courgette soups, giving them an extra depth of flavour. 

4. Smoothie

Add ½ a teaspoon of turmeric into your morning smoothie or juice to get a healthy dose of antioxidant. Our favourite recipe? 1 banana, ½ a pineapple, a big handful of spinach, a cup of almond milk and a few ice cubes. Add some cayenne pepper, turmeric and cinnamon to boost your metabolism and please your taste buds.  

5. Avocado toast

Unless you have been hiding in a cave since 2014, you are now well aware of the benefits of avocado. But maybe you didn’t know that combining turmeric with healthy fats – i.e. avocado or olive oil – improves the bioavailability of curcumin, the active ingredient in the yellow spice.

6. Roasted veggies

Add some turmeric to your veggie seasoning – salt, pepper, paprika, olive or coconut oil, oregano, mixed herbs, cayenne pepper… – for a nice eastern twist on the Sunday roast.

7. Hummus

Make hummus even healthier by adding a pinch of turmeric to a can of chickpea, one tablespoon of tahini, a garlic clove, the juice of one lemon, a pinch of cumin, olive oil, salt and pepper. Properly addictive. 

Plus a bonus No.8… a cake!

The perfect answer to anyone who dares telling you that cake isn’t good for you. 

It's time to double check your johnnies.

A recall for two types of Durex condoms, Durex Real Feel – Latex-Free and Durex Latex Free Polyisoprene has been issued by the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA).

It comes after fears arose over the affected condoms potentially bursting as they come closer to the end of their shelf life. 

If you have purchased "Durex Real Feel – Latex-Free" and "Durex Latex Free Polyisoprene" condoms, please check their batch number to see if they are amongst the recall.

The batch number for the Latex Free are as follows: Durex Latex Free 12-Pack – Sku number 3014272: Batch numbers 1000444367 – expiry February 2021 and 1000433145 expires January – 2021.

As for Durex Real Feel 12-Pack: the Sku number is 3014277 –  Batch numbers 1000419930 January 2021, 1000444367 February 2021 and 1000416206 December 2020.

The HPRA is urging consumers to check the date at the bottom of the outer packaging and the brand.

You should also check the foil wrapping to see if they are amongst the recall batch.

If you are in possession of the condoms with the brands/batch numbers, the authorities have advised people to “immediately discontinue the use of the affected product” and return them to the store where they were purchased for a full refund.

The regulatory authority has cautioned that six and 18 pack boxes of the Real Feel condoms on sale in the UK could be on Irish shelves. 

The HPRA is “requesting consumers to also check the below list of batch numbers. Although the HPRA have received no confirmation to date that the following batch numbers are on the Irish market, we strongly believe these products may have reached the Irish market,” its statement warned.

The batch numbers for the UK products are Durex Real Feel six pack: 1000438054, Durex Real Feel 12 Pack: 1000444370, 1000474804. Durex Real Feel 18 Pack: 1000434066, 1000430479 and Durex Real Feel 18 Pack (RF Tag): 1000430479

Safe sex is sexy!
