Diet Coke fan? It might be time to switch up your favourite fizzy drink
Knowing something is bad for you doesn't necessarily stop you from doing it, which is why you probably drink fizzy drinks from time to time.
And while you'll be hard-pressed to find someone who'd recommend drinking a can of Diet Coke a day, new research suggests that it's not one can that will put your health at risk, but two or more regular servings a day could really tamper with your health – especially when it comes to your heart.
A Swedish study published in the medical journal, Heart, tracked soda consumption and risk of heart failure among more than 42,000 individuals over 12 years.
The individuals who drank at least two fizzy drink servings a day had a 23 percent greater risk of developing heart failure during the study.
However, what the researchers didn't mention is if there's a difference between sugar-sweetened beverages (like regular Coca-Cola) and artificially sweetened beverages (like Diet Coke), so rather to be safe than sorry, both diet and regular sodas appear to have an equal risk with heart failure.
We think we'll stick to water now…