A Thousand Roads Home: A heart-wrenching and eye-opening tale
The homeless crisis in Ireland seems to be worsening as more and more families are struggling to afford rent or in worse cases, can’t even keep a roof over their heads.
We can donate to homeless charities and throw a few euros into the cup of a homeless person sitting on O’Connell bridge, but we will never truly understand how difficult it is unless it happens to us.
A Thousand Roads Home by Carmel Harrington opened my eyes about the sheer heartache homeless people face on a day-to-day basis.
This book made me realise just how lucky I am to go home to my warm house in Drimnagh. I’m sure we’re all guilty of complaining about our home. The wallpaper is too old-fashioned. The carpet looks grubby. My room is too small.
But we really have no right to do so, especially when people are sleeping on park benches and in run-down ‘boutique’ hotels.
The story of Ruth and DJ will move you and give you a well-needed reality check.
The single mother and her son never truly fit in, but they never cared about that, once they were always together.
When their home comes under threat, their quiet lives will change forever.
This tale will show you the harrowing realities of homelessness in Ireland. Too many people in our country are fighting similar battles to Ruth and DJ and Tom.
DJ struggles to do his homework in his hotel bedroom, just like many other Irish pupils.
Ruth lives in fear of losing her job because she doesn’t have a stable home, just like many other Irish mothers.
Tom has become one of Dublin’s invisible, just like the many people we fail to notice as we rush down the city streets.
Everyone has felt like an outsider at some point in their lives, this is the book to make you feel like you belong.
Carmel Harrington’s words will stick with you long after you finish the final page of this book. The lesson A Thousand Roads Home teaches you is one that’ll stay in your heart for a very long time.
A Thousand Roads Home by Carmel Harrington is published by Harper Collins. It will be released on October 18, 2018.