Benefit’s cult-favorite Hoola bronzer is launching 2 brand new shades
My first ever coveted piece of makeup was Benefit's Bad Gal Lash mascara – something about the punky packaging and super fat mascara wand had me hooked the first time I saw it recommended in the pages of a magazine aged 14.
It was my introduction to the brand and the items that would float in and out of my makeup collection for years to come – and while perusing the beauty counter with my hard saved pocket money to purchase my first Bad Gal Lash, I spotted their Hoola bronzer.
One of the most globally popular bronzers in makeup history, Hoola was considered one of the most universal shades for medium skin tones, and it's warm but decidedly not orange tone continues to set it apart from other offerings on the market. A few weeks later with another fistful of coins and notes, I traded a second wad of babysitting cash for my first Hoola. At the time I enjoyed dabbling with fake tan, so the matte sun-kissed shade was perfect.
Hoola is still a makeup artist's essential, and has maintained it's cult following since it launched 17 years ago.
However, as the years passed and I lost my penchant for a faux glow, Hoola could no longer be my ultimate go-to now that I was embracing my ghostly pale self – until two years ago when we saw the launch of Hoola Lite. Finally, a launch meant for porcelain to fair skin tones that allowed pasty girls like myself to add a light glow in a warm beige shade.
While this was a moment of joy for pale gals, there hadn't been a similar innovation for women of deeper complexions – until now.
The cult classic bronzer is launching two more shades this Spring, brining the total Hoola shade family to four.
Benefit are introducing Hoola Caramel and Hoola Toasted.
The 'beach in a box' will now ba able to provide it's sparkle-free contouring to women of a much more diverse range of skin tones.
Caramel is suited for women of medium to deep skin tones (or spray tan fans), while Toasted has been formulated for women of deep skin tones.
Hoola Caramel and Hoola Toasted have the same natural-looking, matte finish as the original.
The new offerings from Benefit will launch in Ireland on the 29th of March this year, and will be priced at €34.00.
Happy bronzing!