The right way to straighten your hair
We are all aware that straightening our hair can leave it looking a little dry and frizzled. However, there are a few tricks to learn that will help your tresses look fabulous and poker straight.
Use the right shampoo
Start by using the right shampoo and conditioner. Go for products that are specially made for dry, damaged hair and offer sleek, smooth locks.
Brush your hair
Use a paddle brush to remove any knots and brush your hair straight.
Use a little oil
To give your hair a silky shine rub a little oil in your hands and run it through your hair from root to tips using your fingers.
Dry your hair
Spritz on a little heat protection spray before using your hairdryer. Make sure your hair is completely dry before you put your hair straightener near it.
Don’t have the straightening tool on too hot
If your straightener has a temperature adjustment facility, try to keep it on a lower heat that will still straighten your hair.
Don’t overdo it
Don’t run the styling tool through your hair too many times. Twice should be more than enough.