#HowIWillChange: Men respond to the #MeToo hashtag on Twitter
Earlier this week, the #MeToo hashtag began circulating online, providing survivors of sexual assault and harassment with a platform to share their respective stories.
And while opinion has differed on its implications – with some citing its positive impact and others acknowledging its triggering potential – the majority have questioned why men don't have a hashtag relating to rape culture.
The thing is, they do.
While not circulating as widely as #MeToo, men around the world have been contributing to the #HowIWillChange conversation in an effort to support women against harassment, assault and rape.
And here are just a few examples.
#HowIWillChange? Never accept the diversion tactics of abusers. Never enable, even passively, the behaviors that lead to this.
— Alex Soul Rots(@solwat) October 16, 2017
I will never blame a victim, and I will never stand and watch as a man makes unwanted advances on a woman #HowIWillChange
— Michael (@TrippyTrappy_Jr) October 17, 2017
#HowIWillChange I will keep showing my 3 sons and one grandson how to honor & respect women.
Guys – meaningful change starts in the home.
— Jesse T. Smith (@JSmith4Congress) October 17, 2017
#HowIWillChange means acknowledging MY OWN capacity for harmful behaviour, and taking responsibility for unlearning that toxicity
— biryani brah (@garliquorice) October 16, 2017
Dudes, if you use #HowIWillChange to say you don't need to change, you definitely need to.
— Jesse Cornea (@JCornea) October 17, 2017
I will call out other men on sexism. I won’t be complacent with the status quo. I won’t allow another man to harass a woman. #HowIWillChange
— RedBeard (@PhilRedbeard) October 18, 2017
#HowIWillChange: I will confront anyone who make sexist statement about women even as silly jokes.
— Fabian Haquin (@inj4ll) October 18, 2017
#HowIWillChange I will never stay quiet and ignore sexual harassment & abuse. Men need to take action and stand up for others.
— Jonathan Avella (@JonathanAvella) October 18, 2017
#HowIWillChange Being more clearly conscious of my own behaviors. Being more verbal in my support and belief in women's personal truths.
— Dan McManus (@danielx2) October 18, 2017
I will continue to set the standard for the type of men my 3 daughters deserve to have in their lives. They deserve the best #HowIWillChange
— Andrew Joseph (@AndrewJoseph247) October 18, 2017
#HowIWillChange Toxic masculinity knows no bounds and I will spend every day actively fostering empathy and goodness in my son.
— Adam Halpin (@adamhalpin) October 18, 2017