5 signs that YOU’RE the ‘hangry’ one in your work friend group
Do you go from wanting to sit back and watch the world burn just before lunch, to wanting to buy everyone you know a tiny puppy and a bunch of freesias once you’ve eaten?
This phenomenon, as we’re sure you know, is called being ‘hangry’. You’re not just hungry, or just angry – oh no, you’re a delightful little cocktail of both.
We all have that one hangry friend in work, the one who can't control her hunger rage, the one we have to supply with emergency snacks, just to talk her down…
1. Just before lunch you turn into (a nastier version) of Regan from The Exorcist
OK, so your head’s not quite spinning around, nor are you shouting expletives (well at least not out loud) but it’s fair to say in that half hour before getting food in your belly you’re a complete wagon.
2. You see someone else eating and your colleagues have to hold you back
How DARE she open that burrito in my presence! Does she not know I’m teetering on the edge here? Guac, she’s eating guac? BUT SHE KNOWS I LOVE GUAC! Wait, how did those deep, animal-like scratch marks get onto my desk?”
3. You’re offered a crisp, so you grab the whole bag and hand them back ONE CRISP
Aren’t you a charmer? And when they politely ask you for their bag of crisps back, you point behind them and say, “Is that Superman?” using the moment they turn around to leg it out the door laughing hysterically.
4. You get sassy – particularly with your email sign off
You really should have had a snack. Because maybe if you had you wouldn’t have replied to one of the company’s most valued clients, “Yours sort of sincerely”.
5. When it’s someone’s birthday YOU blow out their cake candles… just to speed things along
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to… blah blah blah enough of that – time to cut the cake. Yep, I’ll have a nice big slice there thanks. Bigger. A little bigger. BIGGER THAN THAT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!”
Luckily even the hangriest so-and-so can keep this phenomenon at bay with Carr’s Crinklys, the delish new savoury baked cracker crisps from Carr's in Cheese & Onion, Salt & Vinegar and Bacon. A pack of these babies is just the right size to keep you ticking over, but won’t spoil your lunch or dinner – and they’re baked not fried, so are way healthier than normal crisps. We know what we’ll be filling our drawer with for those hangry moments!