So, working out is actually the worst thing you can do for your hangover
There are two types of people in this world.
The first, like us, tends to curl up in a ball of self-pity after a night of heavy drinking, only to emerge from their fortress of blankets when the delivery driver arrives with the essential three-in-one and diet coke combo.
The second, unlike us, would rather spend the morning after the night before working up a sweat in an attempt to rid their body of any remaining alcohol and toxins – and while this may certainly sound like the smarter choice, research has shown that working out is actually one of the worst things we can do while hungover.
Speaking to HuffPost, Mark Leyshon, senior policy and research officer at Alcohol Concern, explained why your post-drinking gym routine is a big ole' waste of time:
"Our performance after drinking will be pretty underwhelming," he said.
"Alcohol makes our kidneys produce more urine, causing dehydration which will only be made worse by exercising, leading to reduced performance."
"No amount of exercise can reduce the effects of a hangover," he concluded.
What's more, as well as being fairly pointless, exercising after a night out can actually be pretty dangerous.
While you may feel OK, any alcohol left in your system could affect your co-ordination, thus increasing your risk of strain or injury.
Dr Sarah Jarvis, Drinkaware’s medical advisor, warned “you’re more likely not to know your limits – for instance, if you’re lifting weights. That means you’re much more likely to suffer an injury or strain something, which could put you out of action for a much longer time.”
In other words – stay in bed, drink plenty of water and cancel the gym class.
We'll drink to that!