What I Eat in a Day: Sarah Hanrahan spills all of her foodie secrets
Founder of lifestyle blog I Come Undone, Sarah Hanrahan's eye for food, fashion and trends got her crowned Social Influencer of the Year at the inaugural SHEmazing Awards.
Scrolling through her Instagram, you'd realise rather quickly that the Dublin-based blogger is a true foodie – always looking for some exciting new places to try.
From her usual breakfast to the best place for brunch in Dublin, we have asked Sarah all her food secrets!
What is your typical weekday breakfast?
Lately I've been introducing protein smoothies into my morning routine as I've been working out regularly but they're nothing fancy – just some protein powder, whatever fruit I have and water.
What about lunch?
My standard weekday breakfast is usually something made around eggs and smoked salmon (I eat smoked salmon nearly every day… I'm obsessed!), maybe a slim bagel with the above or, a salad plate if I'm feeling virtuous.
I try to stick to veggie-based meals or something with fish as I'm getting less and less comfortable with eating meat.
What do you usually have for dinner?
I eat out a lot for dinner as you can imagine! I usually have a list of places I'd like to try each month based on a mix of recommendations, my own research and press releases so, I'll aim to head to one or two of them each week.
If it's a meal at home, I like to keep it simple to make up for my indulgences while eating out so again something fish and veg based…
I don't do things by halves so I enjoy myself when I'm out so I try and keep it low calorie when I'm home; the only way I can manage to stay in shape and still enjoy myself!
Is it different at the weekend?
(Warning that I'm about to make the ultimate millennial statement but…) Brunch is a must! My food posts are quite brunch-heavy as my partner Sean and I take our Sunday dates pretty seriously.
Anywhere offering some progressive brunch options will make the cut for me and being dog-friendly or offering comfortable outdoor seating has become vital since we got our little staffy Stanley.
If a heavy night has been had I may indulge in a Sunday night takeaway too.. sure, life is short! Straight back to the green smoothies come Monday morning though!
Do you snack during the day?
I'm admittedly a BIG grazer but try to keep it to a minimum and tend to snack on fruit, corn cakes, homemade soup etc… nothing too bold but the calories do add up nonetheless and I'm not someone who can eat rings around them and stay slim, unfortunately.
What would be your ideal food day?
An epic hotel buffet breakfast so I can have a small bit of all the deliciousness to start the day (those mini pastries get me every damn time.), a goats cheese, roast Mediterranean veg lunch (with warm garlic bread).
Then, a veggie burger with all the trimmings, chips and an obnoxious amount of garlic sauce for dinner with fro-yo (& toppings) for dessert. Throw in a Dairy Milk & some Meanies to snack on too… this IS the best food day ever after all!
The one food you could have everyday for the rest of your life?
Smoked salmon. Without a doubt.
What is your favourite meal of the day?
I look forward to breakfast the most as I'm always starving when I wake up. If I have the time to go out for breakfast I get so excited about it… it's the little things in life!
The best brunch place?
These questions are so hard to answer for me as I LOVE so many Dublin places but off the top of my head Herbstreet, Canal Bank Cafe, Nimmo's in Galway or Liberty Grill in Cork.
Any “food pet peeves”?
I will eat anything you serve me, I'm not fussy at all. I used to believe that fruit didn't go with food (if that makes sense!) but I've eaten too many epic dishes with fruit in them over the last few years to continue that belief.
What food would you not eat for the whole world?
Live monkey brain… a Malaysian delicacy we came across when travelling. Barbaric. Ethically I could never eat that.
Do you find it hard to eat a healthy diet in a daily basis?
With the industry I'm in there are lots of exciting events with lots of delicious nibbles on offer which can make it hard to stay on track… often they're alongside drinks which make it harder to keep your resolve but I try and keep to not totally depriving myself but having a little.
Also eating out as much as I do can make it harder to watch calories but I rarely have more than one course which helps to avoid over indulging.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Crisps!… I love Chilli Heatwave Doritos or salt & vinegar Hunky Dory.
What is you go-to drink/cocktail in a bar/pub?
I love cocktails that have a sour, spicy or basil base.
Your favourite place for a drink in Dublin?
Peruke & Periwig for a quiet one. Pyg or No Name for one that might turn into a few and of course Keogh's on a sunny day.