We certainly weren't expecting Chris O'Dowd's Ice Bucket nomination – but Dawn O'Porter was, and IS expecting! (See what we did there?! No? We'll see ourselves out…)
The Roscommon man took part in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and used the opportunity to announce the fantastic baby news by nominating ‘Baby O’Porter’. He then turns the camera to Dawn who pours a glass of water over her baby bump, so there is absolutely no confusion – there IS a baby on the way!
By the sounds of it he or she will be an O'Porter, rather than an O'Dowd – which makes sense seen as Dawn added the 'O' to her name as a way of recognising their union. And Chris has spoken out about how he'd like to be an O'Porter too!
"You know, I thought she was joking when she mentioned it at first. And then I just thought it was so cool. I mean she got a lot of stick for it in the UK. I think the people thought it was a silly celebrity thing or something.
"She's a feminist, so she didn't want to give her name away. But she also thought she wanted to take something of her husband's, you know, and the O is hugely meaningful. O only exists in Ireland. So you're taking on my nationality as part of your name. I found it very touching. I would have loved if we were both called O'Porter."
Awh – could he be any lovelier?! We bet he's going to be a great dad too!