So, all your cleavage shots can be found in this handy ‘secret’ folder
If you, like us, have taken multiple candid (or posed) shots of your cleavage when your bosom looked particularly glorious, you might want to perform a little search on your iPhone.
Why? Well, because they can all be found in an album you likely didn't know existed called 'brassiere'.
ATTENTION ALL GIRLS ALL GIRLS!!! Go to your photos and type in the ‘Brassiere’ why are apple saving these and made it a folder!!?!
— ell (@ellieeewbu) October 30, 2017
So, according to Techspot, the issue came to the fore yesterday when Twitter users began speculating over whether Apple purposely saves cleavage shots in a folder within the photograph function.
And before we all panic, Techspot are here to tell the public that that is not the case, but that Apple simply uses image recognition AI which allows the phone to identify certain images, not exclusively brassiere-related ones.
It's true. If u type in "brassiere" in the search of your iphotos, it has a category for every boob or cleavage pic you've ever taken. Why. pic.twitter.com/KWWmJoRneJ
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) October 31, 2017
In fact, image recognition AI allows the phone to search and identify more than 4,000 keywords within the photo function, and the search only registers on the local device as opposed to across the Apple servers.
So, put simply, it's not as creepy as it first sounded, but it is worth noting that you cannot turn the image recognition feature off.
Typing in #Brasserie in photos just showed me how much weight I’ve gained since my last “Before” picture. #neat
— Am Boo!(@mamberec) October 31, 2017
BRB, gotta check out our slicker snaps…