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The Irish couple that got married as part of the iRadio ‘social experiment’ have decided to call it a day on their marriage… just two days into their honeymoon.

As we previously reported, Nigel Finegan and Ann Marie O’Neill were married two weeks ago as part of the radio station’s experiment called ‘Three Strangers.’

But it would appear that the newlyweds didn’t quite hit it off. Ann Marie told the Irish Sun that the couple had a “heart-to-heart” where they admitted that there was “no spark.”

The 28-year-old admitted that she was disappointed the relationship didn’t work out but that she was also expecting it.

“I’m not that naïve. I sensed it anyway but I was willing to give a go and see what happens.”

The pair were flown to Turkey for their honeymoon on Sunday but just two days in they decided to call it quits.

“We all wanted the fairytale,” Nigel admitted. “We do get on really well but there just wasn’t much of a spark.”

With the ‘social experiment’ ending faster than most Hollywood marriages, we can’t imagine that too many people are going to be rushing down the aisle towards a stranger any time soon! 



As part of the SHEmazing! Rising Star series, we speak to some seriously inspiring go-getters.

Here, iRadio’s Eleanor Fitzgerald joins us for an intimate chat about working on movie sets, her plans for the future… and how modelling led her to radio.

Broadcasters usually fit into one of two moulds: those who were trained to do it, and those who were born to do it. 

iRadio’s Eleanor Fitzgerald, or Fitzy, as she’s better known to her listeners, certainly has a seat in the latter category. 

And yet the road to her chosen career was hardly conventional: when she won the title of Miss Limerick in 2006, she was interviewed on Limerick’s Live 95fm. Such was her ease at being on air that studio bosses quickly asked her to fill in at the station – and she hasn’t left since.

“When we were kids, myself, my sister and our neighbour would play a little game where we would present our own radio show!” Eleanor laughs now as she recalls the memory. “That aside, I think I always wanted to be involved in radio and TV.

“When I was in secondary school, I did some work experience with my cousin who is an award-winning costume designer for film and TV. At the time, she was working on the set of Fergus’s Wedding, so she brought me along as an assistant.

“I loved makeup, so I was thinking how great it would be to work in the makeup and costume department. When I got to the set though, I loved everything about it. Whether it was the action taking place in front of the camera or behind it, I was hooked.” 

The 30-year-old credits her modelling career (she is on the books of the Celia Holman Lee agency in Limerick, and Andrea Roche in Dublin) with giving her a confidence boost, but ultimately the one thing Eleanor has in spades is bags of talent, not to mention enthusiasm and persistence.

“I love media, but I especially love radio” she explains. “The Cracked i show has been so much fun because we get to talk about so many different topics and we have also interviewed some really interesting people.

“There’s a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes. We do all the research and prep ourselves, so even though we are having the craic on air, trust me, hours of work go on behind the scenes. I have always loved both sides of it. I love being on air, but I love the background work as well.”

When it comes to future plans, Eleanor is happy to leave things to fate.

“Oh God, I asked a few girls this same question when I was interviewing them on stage for Miss Limerick recently, and now that I’m being asked about it myself, I haven’t a clue what to say!” she laughs.

“I don’t have a game plan for the future. I’m very happy at the moment, so I haven’t really thought too far ahead to be honest! I take every opportunity that I get, and try to be as grateful as I can for everything I have.

“My motto is simple, what’s for you won’t pass you.”


You can listen to Ed and Fitzy on iRadio’s Cracked i, Monday to Friday, 8.50pm – 12midnight 



If you thought a blind date was nerve-wracking, try a blind wedding.

Earlier today, Irish radio station iRadio pulled off one of the most bizarre stunts we've ever heard of when they convinced two complete strangers to get married. To each other. Live on the radio.

The wedding (100% legal and binding, by the way) was part of iRadio's Three Strangers and a Wedding project which has been running for the last few weeks. The project saw listeners select one future bride from a number of applicants, who then went on to choose two mystery suitors for herself.

The aim of the whole thing? To find out if love really is blind, and if two people who have never met "fall in love, and live happily ever after," according to iRadio.

All three participants, the woman and two men, were given fake names to stop them Googling one another or finding out more. Ann Marie, who went under the name "Juno", then went on two dinner dates with each of the men. To make the first dates even more awkward, she was separated from each of the men, "Janus" and "Jupiter", by a wall to prevent her seeing them.

So far, so completely mental.

Today Ann Marie finally chose who she wanted to tie the knot with, marrying the lovely Nigel (a.k.a. Jupiter) live on radio. Don't they scrub up well?

The pair tied the knot in a humanist ceremony, and neither seemed too fazed by what they were signing themselves up for. They'd even prepared vows for the event, with Ann Marie telling her new husband, "I’ll do my best to be your other half / Though I don’t have the patience of a saint. Not with you, at you I’ll sometimes laugh / But I’ll try and learn restraint."

Now that they're married, the new couple are free to begin their lives together as husband and wife. Awkward? No, not at all…
