6 fledgling influencers on the social media scene, style & inspirations
When it comes to the Irish blogger scene, there has been a huge amount of discourse over what it means to be an influencer, a content creator, and an online personality in Ireland.
There is a distinct difference between residing under the label of 'influencer' and being a genuine digital creative.
Ahead of International Women's Day, we talked to six fledgling fashion creatives, all at different stages of their influencing and blogging work, on their goals, their inspirations and their true thoughts on the influencing industry in an Irish context.
Courtney Kat Sharp @courtneykatsharp.com
A true connoisseur of fashion, Courtney maintains a full time career in fashion while managing her digital channels on the side. With an emphasis on crucially cut fabrics and playful prints and textures, Courtney's work-hard-play-hard approach to personal style makes every OOTD a new experience.
What made you want to start blogging/sharing your style on social media?
Blogging and sharing my style on social media has always been influenced by a personal desire to make really great content. I get such a buzz from bringing creative fashion visions to life and I think this is where it all started for me. I began my blog about three or four years ago and although the quality of its content has grown exponentially, the work I’ve produced has always come from a place of loving fashion and wanting to bring to life certain visions that I have in my head. I genuinely love seeing the finished product of something that once started in my head as a creative vision and that’s why I love having my blog, website, and social channels to house it all.
Do you think the Irish influencer scene has changed in the recent years?
Absolutely; matter of fact, this industry is always changing. With an industry so wrapped up in technology and consumer demands, it’s bound to. When it comes to my opinion on the matter, I feel Ireland is quite funny in this regard. I find that there are a few influencers who really run the scene here and most of them dress quite the same. I’m not saying this is bad, and loads of times I’m popping into the shop to get the new IT-shirt they’re all wearing from Penneys, but I’m simply saying I’m seeing the same thing, all the time, and personally it would be nice to be more creatively stimulated in regards to fashion in Dublin. I feel like this is really what the fashion / influencer scene in Dublin is missing.
What is your ultimate goal in your work online?
A large part of my ultimate goal with my work online is to be personally proud of it, feeling like as I look back on the content I’ve produced I feel it has integrity and creative depth. Another goal for me with my blog and social channels is to appear as an industry leader in Dublin’s fashion scene. Working in fashion there are so many opportunities outside of a traditional 9-5 and developing a strong brand identity online really helps you stand out in regards to these. I love the doors that my work online has already opened for me and I look forward to what it could develop into in the future.
Who or what inspires your style?
Loads of things inspire my style. Obviously my climate and lifestyle influence my style massively. I fully believe the best style originates from a purpose/need and that’s why dressing practically is such a huge thing for me. When it comes to style and trends though, I’m more inspired by the fashion scenes in London and Paris. I love the femininity, simplicity, and practicality of Parisian style. I also am super inspired by native American culture/style which has been coined recently into the shiny and user-friendly term “western wear”. I love a good suede fringe jacket, old worn cowboy boots, turquoise statement ring, and leather/animal skin. Although my style has become more urban throughout the years, I still see this western style peek through and I think it makes my style a bit more unique especially since Ireland as a country hasn’t really embraced it yet. In regards to style icons, the Olsen twins are my ultimate inspiration, radiating the perfect combination of chic, refined, practical, and somewhat bohemian vibes.
Anything you’d like to add?
I think fashion means more to me than the average person. Fashion is such an underlying theme of my life, one that is not only my career but runs through all areas of my life. It’s not only woven throughout my personal, social, and work life, but it is the very wavelength in which they all function on. It’s a weird thing to put into words but I really wouldn't know who I am without fashion and its something that as I reflect back at the things that have consistently brought joy and meaning to my life, is always present. I think when you strip down all the societal pressures and social addictions, this is really why I do/share all that I do – because it’s innate; it’s just who I am. And I think my (super tiny) following can see that and love having a look into my life in that regard.
Mei Ling @darlingbudsofmei.com
A veteran on the Irish blogging scene, Mei has consistently maintained her editorially perfect blog at darlingbudsofmei.com, creating digital content with a clear high fashion influence intertwined with her distinctive personal style.
What made you want to start blogging/ sharing your style on social media?
I originally started blogging about beauty 10 years ago, inspired by the many American Youtubers I followed. I don’t think I was quite ready yet though and eventually stopped. Then when I was 18 and on a gap year I found myself with a lot of free time and creativity that needed an outlet. I’ve always enjoyed creative writing and this was also about the time people started taking note of Irish bloggers like Suzanne Jackson and Leanne Woodfull. I figured, “hey, I could do that!” and thus Darling Buds of Mei was born. I originally blogged about everything – fashion, beauty, food, lifestyle, travel – but gradually began building a niche and started focusing on personal style.
Do you think the Irish influencer scene has changed in recent years?
100%. As I said, I first began when I was 14. There were only a handful of Irish bloggers around then, now we’re everywhere! I think the biggest changes are the commercialisation and shift from bloggers to influencers as well as the advent of microblogging through social media. Aside from my blog, I’m a digital account manager at Connector and regularly run influencer campaigns for clients. It’s fascinating to have a 360 view of this ever changing industry. I could literally talk for years on this topic and regularly do for work lol. Truthfully, I would have always considered myself a blogger, not an influencer as I blog for myself. Of course, I’m interested in what my audience wants but at the end of the day, my blog is not my job, it’s a passion!
What is your ultimate goal in your work online?
I love creating content. I’ve a huge interest in photography/design and am constantly teaching myself new tips and tricks to improve. I think my ultimate goal is just to create awesome content for brands I love such as Adidas, Levis or Nikon.
Who or what inspires your style?
A lot of things. My style can depend on my mood, the weather, the season, my surroundings! I scroll through Instagram and Pinterest a lot searching for certain pieces, such as mom jeans or black culottes, and seeing how other people style them and see what I like. I’m quite a visual person so I love looking at real-life examples for inspiration!
Anything you would like to add?
I’ve also recently started a Youtube channel. My latest passion is DIY, thrift shopping and sustainable fashion and I really feel like there’s not enough people in Ireland talking about these topics. I didn’t think I’d ever go into Youtube but I liked the idea of having some video content alongside my blog posts. Also, it’s the age of video and less and less people are reading blogs so gotta get with the times!
Kiera @JustTheFWordBlog
Self described as having a black belt in shopping, Kiera showcases how to style a curvy body in both classic and trend-driven ensembles. Never one to shy away from trialling the latest trends, Kiera is spearheading the campaign for fashion inclusively when it comes to curves.
What made you want to start blogging/ sharing your style on social media?
There were two reasons actually why i started blogging. As a fashion graduate who had worked in several areas of the industry, I found myself one day with no creative outlet. I needed something that allowed me to do and talk about the thing that i loved. The second reason took me longer to get to. As a reader and lover of blogs, I was finding it increasingly hard to relate to the majority of the big bloggers on my feed. There weren't many Irish bloggers sharing outfits that would actually fit me or that I could afford. It got me thinking that I can't be alone in feeling this way and there were so many others out there not being represented.
Do you think the Irish influencer scene has changed in recent years?
100%. I feel like nowadays anybody with any kind of following is labelled a blogger. The title gets tarred then with the same brush when there are influencer scandals or a lack of transparency. For the most part any bloggers that I know or follow are extremely hard working , honest and talented. There is also way more diversity in the blogging community than in the stereotypical influencer category/mold that we seem to see so much of on our feeds.
What is your ultimate goal in your work online? I never really had a goal when I started, it was just something that I enjoyed doing but over time I have seen how posting body positive and inclusive content is so important. I hope to continue to open up conversation and show that fashion is for everyBODY. Helping ladies dress their curves with confidence is so rewarding. Hopefully I can inspire some self love and spark others to post their own looks online. Maybe even look to following a more diverse range online. Follow individuals and accounts who make them feel good about themselves, inspire them, educate them, entertain them.
Who or what inspires your style?
For me fashion is everyone and everything. I spend hours flicking through magazines and scrolling through hashtags on Instagram looking at how others wear pieces. I might see an outfit that is not quite my style but can still take inspiration from a colour combination for example and think to myself i could try that. I follow so many ladies and fellow bloggers with crazy good and individual style, it's hard not to be inspired. I am also that girl in the ladies toilets that loves your outfit and will chat to you about it for 15 minutes. I love to see confident women absolutely owning it unapologetically, that is so inspiring.
Anything you would like to add?
More diversity and authenticity is long overdue within the media and society as a whole. Young girls and women need to see diversity as the norm on their feeds , shelves and screens for both their mental health and self worth. This stretches from size , height , weight , style , disability , skin colour, age and religion. We are all human and do not fit into the same box. One size does not fit all and we need to see that , that is more than ok. In fact it is what makes us who we are. We should celebrate the so called flaws that have been drilled into us to hate and pave the way for generations to come.
Dearbhail Brogan @dailydee_blog
The Daily Dee has become a one stop shop for all things outfit inspiration. Carefully curated by Dearbhail Brogan, she showcases a penchant for unusual fashion pieces styled in a very wearable way.
What made you want to start blogging/ sharing your style on social media?
For as long as I can remember I’ve always loved fashion and styling outfits. I often remember turning up to social situations and being asked ‘where are you going?’ perhaps due to the fact that I was always slightly overdressed. However I remember seeing a quote by Coco Channel saying “everyday is a fashion show and the world is your runway” and it always stuck with me and justified my tendency to overdress.
Do you think the Irish influencer scene has changed in recent years?
I think it definitely has especially with advances in technology and social media. I remember the days where TV/Newspapers were the only channel of communication for influencers and you often had to be a certain ‘type’ of person (i.e higher social status) to gain these opportunities and be recognised and respected in this industry. Nowadays the everyday girl/boy can become an influencer if they are determined and creative and I think that’s an amazing thing.
What is your ultimate goal in your work online?
My ultimate goal is to continue sharing and embracing my style whilst staying true to myself. I think it’s important that your style is unique, portrays your personality and inspires others. Additionally I’d love more opportunities to work with brands that I love, attend more events and meet more like-minded fashionistas.
Who or what inspires your style?
Primarily my style was heavily influenced by pop-culture; the likes of Paris Hilton, girlbands such as the Spice Girls and Pussycat Dolls however as time went on this shifted to You-Tubers such as Helen Anderson (@helenanderz)and Victoria Magrath (@inthefrow) who I still watch to this day. Nowadays I find that a lot of my style inspo comes from the everyday girl off Instagram, especially local girls in my area (Northern Ireland). I love when girls are not afraid to wear what they want and just be themselves and the likes of India Lee Reed (@indialee_reed) and Clara Bell (@clarabell.x) really inspire me.
Anything you would like to add?
No matter where you live or your age, shape or size… wear what you want and you do you boo!
Yasmin Robinson @Snazzyyazi
Whether she is donning a block colour pant suit or embodying city chic in sequins and leopard print, Yasmin's distinct knack for maximalist styling sets her apart from the generic fashion blogger set in the best way possible.
What made you want to start blogging/ sharing your style on social media?
To start, I've always loved fashion, ever since I was a child and loved being that little bit different to everyone else. I always wanted to work in the fashion industry in some way. I studied business studies with marketing at University and it was there that I first became aware of the blogging industry. I then worked in social media/digital marketing after leaving university and I had developed a great interest in blogging. After years of friends and family telling me to start my own blog, it wasn't until I was 26 that I had decided to actually do this. I wanted to create a new fashion blog combined with my interests that would inspire others. I also used social media platforms to promote my blog and share outfit pictures, make-up tips and styling tips. My following continued to grow so I knew I also had to develop my blog also. I began a monthly Style-Inspo section that let my followers interact with me and share their style. I also created a Shop my Wardrobe section that now gives my followers links to the clothes/outfits that I wear or love.
Do you think the Irish influencer scene has changed in recent years?
Definitely. I think there are much more opportunities for Irish influencers now than ever. There are some amazing Irish companies who like to work with micro bloggers and influencers as there are so many different influencers working in niche categories. Companies like to use these influencers to advertise/market their products and promote them online. On the other hand, I feel that there are now so many influencers out there now and you regularly see a lot of the same styling posts. That’s why I try to be a little different and create something that will make you stand out from everyone else.
What is your ultimate goal in your work online?
When I first started off, blogging was just a hobby to me. Now it's become a job where I have been very fortunate to have worked with local and some bigger companies. I also have regular work with the Foyleside Shopping Centre in Derry. This work sometimes includes going into the centre to show what’s new in the stores, try outfits on, try out new makeup /skincare products and be involved in their styling events. I take each day as it comes but ultimately I would love to develop my skills and expand into styling.
Who or what inspires your style?
I wouldn't say that someone or something in particular inspires my style but blogger Megan Ellaby has inspired me to continue to step out of my comfort zone, wear clothes that I love and just not what's on trend. Retro Flame is another inspiration, she has worked very hard and now is living the New York dream. I hope that I inspire others with my unique style and give them the confidence to wear something just a bit different.
Anything you would like to add?
I was awarded Best Fashion blog at the blog awards Ireland 2018. This was an amazing achievement for me especially as my blog is relatively new. I can’t thank my followers enough, they are the ones that give me the encouragement to continue with my blog.
Paola Morales @hola-paola.com
Paola recently celebrated her second blog-iversary, marking two years of helpful, educational fashion content. If you have ever wondered how to style a particular outfit or item, Paola is your girl thanks to her incredibly inspiring tutorials.
What made you want to start blogging/ sharing your style on social media?
First of all I've always loved fashion and makeup -as many girls- so this has been present in my life since I remember. I started sharing my style and #ootd pictures on Instagram before turning into a blogger. Then I thought it would be fun to have my own "little window on the internet". My blog was born while I was going through some hard times in my personal life, being an immigrant at such a young age it's been difficult and I needed something to keep me going, the blog was my scape to that and then turned into a passion.
Do you think the Irish influencer scene has changed in recent years?
The Digital World is growing very quickly and everything changes in a matter of days. The Irish influencer scene is not the exception. A couple of years ago being a blogger or an influencer was simply a hobby, today this has evolved to the point of becoming a full-time job. However, the public's perception of influencers has also changed. More and more people now prefer and rely on "real" influencers, the ones that show less perfection in their social media. As a result, the way how influencers showcase their content has changed, videos are becoming more popular and I personally think it is because people get to see more of the personality of influencer and therefore feel more empathy towards them.
What is your ultimate goal in your work online?
My goal has always been inspire others through fashion or by sharing my story. I want to inspire other girls to be themselves and love their uniqueness. Ultimately I'd love to work for myself and I don't mean by this to become a full time blogger but maybe set up my path in on digital media or something fashion-related.
Who or what inspires your style?
I literally can find inspiration everywhere such as in magazines, music, TV shows, movies you name it. I am Latina so my style is influenced by a mix of cultures such as the romanticism of the Spanish as well as the rich colours and textures found in the Latin American culture. So it has been fun to mix this cultural background and contrast it with the European fashion.
Feature Image: Darling Buds of Mie shot by Lorna Duffy