THESE are the words we constantly mispronounce as a nation
If you've ever had the pleasure of sitting around a table with a few generations of your family, you may have noted the different pronunciation of words.
They can vary depending on where you come from in Ireland, but I do enjoy my nana's Longford take on 'cooker' and 'book.'
However, the correct pronunciation of words can cause some serious family conflict – and we have a few more words to add to the list to spice up the next family get-together.
That is according to new research conducted by Huawei, as they have uncovered words that as a nation we constantly get wrong.
Don't look so smug though as you are probably one of the people mispronouncing them.
Sadhbh took the top spot for the most regularly mispronounced names in Ireland – get your tongue around that one.
In fact, 25 percent of survey respondents confessed to butchering the name.
Caoimhe, Muireann, Tadgh and Blaithnaid closely followed behind as names we politely murder with our feeble attempts – sorry.
We all know that pretentious pr*ck chowing down on the trendiest international cuisine and we get corrected immediately on the right way to pronounce it.
Acai bowls are the perfect example of this, they made their debut in Ireland a few years ago.
Thanks to YouTubers, we as a nation struggled and continue to do so, to get our mouths around how on earth we say it right – don't feel bad though, there's Youtube videos dedicated to its pronunciation.
Huawei's research showed that Acai, Worcestershire and Quinoa were the most mispronounced foods in Ireland – so get ready for the family fights.
However, in light of collecting the data – they set the record straight for a pronunciation close to their own heart.
They finally settled how we should be saying Huawei – and FYI it's "wah-way"
Sure, as long as you say any of the words with an unjustified sense of confidence – you'll be grand.