Irish words and phrases we use without realising!
Last week and this week mark Seachtain na Gaeilge, when Gaeilgeoirs and non Irish speakers alike celebrate just how unique our native language is.
Even if you haven't said more than half a sentence as Gaeilge since your Leaving Cert Oral exam, we bet you still use the cúpla focail here and there without even noticing.
Here are just a few Irish words and turns of phrase we all rely on in everyday life!
Meaning: Love
How we use it in English: To show you've a real soft spot for something.
Example: "Ah, Siobháin has a bit of a grá for Justin Bieber but she'd NEVER admit it."
Meaning: Lavish, generous
How we use it: As the extreme opposite of tight, someone who loves flashing the cash.
Example: "I'd always be a bit flaithiúlach getting the rounds in on a work night out, I'd hate them to think I was stingy."
Meaning: The act of flattery or cajoling
How we use it: To describe someone who's being, well, a bit of a lick-arse.
Example: "He's always plámás-ing the boss lately, must be after a promotion."
Sin é
Meaning: That's it
How we use it: When something's over and done with.
Example: "Well sin é lads, they're calling last rounds."
Meaning: Great fun
How we use it: When something or someone is a good laugh.
Example: "Sarah was GAS craic altogether last night, who knew she was so bad at karaoke?"
Lean ar aghaidh
Meaning: To continue, to proceed
How we use it: To tell people to get a move on
Example: "Nothing to see here, just snotted myself on the ice, lean ar aghaidh."
Meaning: Calmness, stillness, silence
How we use it: As a throwback from our primary school days when we want someone to shut up.
Example: "Ciúnas, he's coming, he'll know we were talking about him."