If you haven't watched last night's season finale of Love/Hate then what are you doing here?! You're about to read the entire episode in GIF's which, trust us, does it no justice!
If you did watch it, then like us, you may have had an emotionally turbulent time between 10.15-10.30pm last night…
We're still recovering.
Here are the reactions we experienced during last night's episode of Love/Hate:
1. When we were waiting for the action to happen for like, 45 minutes…

2. When poor Janeh got tortured with a saw and we realised Aardn would never get that ‘word’ from Nidge he’d been promised for about six months

3. When we realised Fran wasn’t going to get to kill Nidge after all…

4. When Noely said he was going to ‘smash’ Fran’s back door in…

5. When we realised what he actually meant by that and the pool cue was snapped in half…

6. Everything that happened in that scene after that…

7. When Nadine said she wasn't a prostitute and Ado thoroughly disagreed

8. When Donna called Siobhán ‘chicken’ for the ten millionth time…

9. When Detective Moynihan ate Nidge's tax disc…

10. When we realised we haven't heard Tommy talk in about a year…

11. When Siobhán started shouting at Nidge and wouldn’t stop and Warren wouldn’t go inside

12. When Patrick arrived on the scene and all hell broke loose…

13. When Siobhán lay bleeding (but STILL breathing people!)

14. When Patrick shot Nidge twice (but not once in the head, people!) and Warren was watching, rather calmly we might add

15. When it ended and we realised it would be another year before we find out if King Nidge has lived, if Donna would ever see her chicken alive again, if Fran will ever play a round of pool again and if Leighton would ever get out of that feckin’ apartment and into some fresh air

16. When we decided it was the best episode yet and how much we cannot wait for season six…