Meet Roly… Kylie and Tyga’s new €45,000 tri-colour English bulldog
She's already the proud owner of not one but two Italian greyhound pups, but this time Kylie and Tyga are taking the plunge together.
Yes, the love-birds want to take their year-long relationship to the next level… by becoming puppy parents.
And not just any dog, either. Ms Jenner and her 25-year-old rapper beau have, in fact, aquired a super-rare merle tri-colour English bulldog pup, whom they have called Roly.
Incredibly, Roly is also worth a cool €45,000. Wowsers!
Arriving last Thursday evening, the hound was sourced via Shrinkabulls.com – an organisation which sells bulldog pups, often priced at four- and five-figure sums.
TMZ reports that the dog was actually a gift from Jeremy Greene – the CEO of PingTank – an app both helped launch to success.
Kylie, 18, has been happily uploading videos of Roly to her Snapchat account – and it seems that he's already settling in nicely and getting on well with the Italian greyhounds.
The teenage reality TV star has previously committed to only adopting animals from rescue shelters, however, given that her latest canine was a gift – it seems she's been able to make an exception.