Selfie! Jiff the celeb Pomeranian is hanging around Dublin today
Boo, Tuna, Doug the Pug… we love a good Insta-famous dog over here at SHEmazing. So we were downright starstruck to hear that a pup who just so happens to have 2.2m followers on Instagram has graced our captial city with his presence.
Jiff, an adorable fluffy Pomeranian, is currently on a whistle-stop tour of Dublin, and has been documenting his adventures on Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter.
If you're quick enough, you might just catch him for a selfie, like these lucky fans:
As well as generally being the cutest thing on the planet, Jiff has made something of a name for himself over in the US, where he has worked on campaigns for Target, hung out with countless celebs and even appeared in a Katy Perry video.
Yup, that's him and KP chilling like old friends after a day of filming.
For now though, Jiff's happy to take in the sights and sounds of Dublin, and here's where he's been so far.
Trinity College
Murphy's Ice Cream Parlour
Bruxelles for St Patricks Day
And of course, Starbucks
If you're quick, you'll catch him before he goes – keep updated via Snapchat (@jiffpom).