These handy tricks will keep you motivated during your job search
Searching numerous websites, completing long-winded application forms and constructing the perfect cover letter is a full time job in itself.
And while nailing an interview is great, a rejection letter or email can seriously knock your confidence and have us hiding under our duvet.
Staying positive during a job search can be tough and emotions can run deep, but there are a few simple things you can do to stay motivated during this time:
Have a plan
Create an actual written, thought-out plan about what you want to do or what road you want to take with your career.
You can only control so many things and having a plan in place will help you stay focused when everything else feels so undecided.
Create a hot list
Identify up to 20-50 companies, people or businesses you would love to work for and make a note of 'why' for each one.
Then do some research into these places and people and try to build relationships with them. Always keep your mental note of why you want to work with them in mind.
Give yourself targets
It helps to set a daily or weekly target when you're out of work. It will get your creative juices flowing and you will be surprised with how much you achieve while not working.
Surround yourself with good people
Not having your dream job in the bag can feel miserable at times so make sure you have friends and family around you that will lighten up the load and make you feel good about yourself.
You'd be surprised at how much they can lighten up your mood.
Visualise it
This may sound a bit naf, but seeing yourself in the end result can be SO powerful. Create a vision board and ensure it's visible every day.
It may include pictures of your dream office or home and it will keep you focused on the things you actually want to achieve in life.