Sorry folks! But THESE are the jobs that tend to attract psychopaths
Look we're not claiming that you and half your office are psychopaths if you work in law or sales, we're just saying psychopaths are also attracted to those jobs.
We thought you might like to know.
While psychopathy does not mean full blown serial killer, it is estimated that at least one per cent of the population display psychopathic characteristics.
And new research has pin pointed the top ten careers for these individuals:
1. CEO
2. Lawyer
3. Media (TV/Radio)
4. Salesperson
5. Surgeon
6. Journalist
7. Police officer
8. Clergyperson
9. Chef
10. Civil Servant
CEO and lawyer we can get, but our friendly, neighbourhood priest? No, simply, no.
"Psychopathy is not easily defined," said Professor Scott Lilienfed to the Sun.
"But most psychologists view it as a personality disorder characterised by superficial charm with profound dishonesty, callousness, and poor impulse control."
Good luck, everyone.