This man edits himself into celeb Instagram snaps and it’s the BEST
If you're gonna put your personal photos online for the world to see, you have to expect a bit of slagging from time to time.
So we hope Taylor Swift, Cara Delevingne, Selena Gomez et all wont be too annoyed if they stumble across Jon Burgerman's Instagram feed.
As well as having a fabulous surname, Jon has recently started an Instagram series called #jonsfamousfriends, showing him rubbing shoulders with A-listers thanks to some savvy picture editing.
He's tenderly stroked Emily Ratajkowski's face…
Done Kim's make-up for her…
Licked Cara's forehead…
And even danced with Taylor at the VMAs (poor Selena got cropped)…
"I was playing around with my decrepit iPhone and noticed Instagram had a new function where you could show 2 or more images together on a grid," Jon explains of the project's conception.
"Celebrities’ Instagram feeds are often littered with multiple-selfies and photos of their cats. They’re just as dull as us normal people.
"So I’m hanging out with celebrities, but we’re not really doing anything that fascinating (apart from shooting up with Obama of course)."